The beginnings of the next part in horse project
Fallow's gone through some rough stuff with his other project, but says he'll be focusing on getting Zara done next. I'm not sure, but I'm hoping we'll get it ready before the end of the month.

But since all the graphics are done, as I think I've said before, I started sketching up the Zu&Jo part.
And this is how it looks right now:

It's not finalized yet as you might be able to tell, but I'm going to try to have her done by the end of the week.

Also got a few more drawings to show off!
Have a Sit, a commission of Lollo using the commissioner's character as a chair... and more.
Ellie on Vacation, Ellie is bothered by a man during a stroll.
Demonic Corruption Process, Ellie gets dicked by two big demons.

Well, my friends, that's all for today. Next week I'll probably have some Sixten outfits to show you all.
2020-05-18 02:20:39
Comments (99)
2021-04-20 09:59:26
lmao, you even forgot which sites did you post your shit on, besides pulling your autistic "its all fictional anyway silly" and playing innocent like a typical lolcow who makes poor decisions when it comes to submit questionable shit in places where it's forbidden. I guess that's what happens when people let those to keep their disabled kids to do whatever the fuck they want instead of sending them to a damn institution. Also, your reading skills and knowledge about everything are still worse than a mentally retarded pre-schooler's
Rock Candy2094620944
2021-04-17 11:16:42
Which sites? The twitter one got deleted. It's all fictional anyway, silly. You said what I did, not what laws I broke.
2021-04-17 07:44:20
How come you have even doxed yourself besides posting kiddie porn in sites which disallow it >twice<? And again, I've already said what you did, yet you continue acting oblivious
Rock Candy2090520902
2021-04-12 15:01:29
How come you haven't answered yet then?
2021-04-12 10:11:17
You're not fooling anyone, no matter how much you try to act like if you didn't do anything wrong. Also,I've already mentioned what you did, sorry not sorry that I don't speak autism
Rock Candy2087120870
2021-04-07 12:41:07
I'm not playing, since you can't even say what law has been broken. Innocent til proven otherwise.
2021-04-07 12:30:20
Still playing the innocent, as always.
Rock Candy2086220860
2021-04-05 18:14:53
Still no answer, yet a response.
2021-04-05 17:36:38
It seems that someone ran out of smugness while playing the innocent.
Rock Candy2085120850
2021-04-04 22:01:25
I still see no answers. Only harrassement.
2021-04-04 20:55:14
More proof that you have a twisted sense of reality, besides having poor AF reading skills and ignorance about stuff that aren't related to butts and other crap you're obsessed over.
Rock Candy2084920848
2021-04-04 19:15:34
More non-answers, I see.
2021-04-04 19:05:42
Even if it's unlikely that someone might turn you into a pulp (literally) or "lose" all your fans in less than 2 months like that person on Discord claimed, the damage is done. I already gave my warnings, now you'll see what you can do despite your personal info is publicly posted and the times you claimed that you don't care
Rock Candy2084720846
2021-04-04 17:56:26
I'm glad you specified what law I broke.
2021-04-04 17:53:52
> "No crime has been committed" lmao now you're just denying that you did something illegal by posting kiddie porn? Don't you realize that you're making yourself look delusional and what you've said will just worsen the situation? Haven't you actually heard of any cases of artists like you who've caught posting that shit and their lousy attempts to save face? Not to mention that you're confusing the act of calling you out on your bullshit with harassment. That's pretty much like claiming that constructive criticism is bullying. And keep pretending that you're not that bitter when you keep using dumb excuses to hide your ass. Whatever will happen to you will be nobody's fault but your own.
Rock Candy2084520844
2021-04-04 17:38:59
Like I said, I don't care. I posted a drawing you and some others didn't like. No crime has been committed. Well, maybe you harrassing me, is. But I'm not that bitter to make a big deal about it.
2021-04-04 17:30:30
Regardless, there's nothing you can do about your full name, social security number and address being publicly posted on the Internet, Mr. Hypocrite. They didn't dox you because of your obsession towards butts or because you publicly shared your masturbator collection and hentai posters, they did it because you didn't only post kiddie porn TWICE and refused to take responsibility like an actual adult by giving the same arguments as pedo fucks and lolcow-ish NSFW artists after getting caught posting illegal shit. And even if you go to KF and ask someone from there to remove the dox, there's always someone who've archived it just in case. It's called Streisand Effect.
Rock Candy2084320841
2021-04-04 16:47:07
I can not care and still acknowledge your existence. Well, you seem to like to stick around anyway, so maybe... Perhaps you're just a bit tsundere for me.
2021-04-04 16:43:27
2021-04-04 16:42:30
If you actually didn't care about what I've said, you wouldn't have replied to my post. But you did, and that proves that you DID care despite you said otherwise. As for the other question, I refuse to be nice with someone who knows what they're doing is wrong but decides to continue with their bullshit anyway. You only think about yourself and your obsessions, everything else is disregarded including people's concern about your inability to take responsibility of your actions.