It's Raining...
And the rain makes me sleepy~. I better try to keep today's update short!

Let me cover some drawings first! Both from me and from others!
Mine first!
Stuck in the Swing! Zu unfortunately gets herself into trouble again...
Punished Girl 2. Lollo and her possessing shenanigans are up to no good once again.
Sofi the Bully 3, poor Zu just isn't left alone these days.

I tried to draw some more things this week, but I hit sort of an art block or something halfway through, couldn't get things to look the way I wanted. That's really frustrating sometimes.

Anyway, there's some nice fanart this week as well!

Public Sex with Aisha, Sheelah and Ellie, Cerberus Carmine's huge tittied and dicked girls make a comeback!
Zu Does a Peace Sign 1 & Zu Does a Peace Sign 2. Riosthename made these nice sketches for me!
Zu Emote. I signed up for this thing a while ago, Satannie was offering. So, here's a sad Zu emote!

I wish I could tell you I had some samples of Sofi's voice to show you, but in the middle of trying to get things just right, the VA got a nasty cold! That's going to slow down the Sofi part for a while, since she needs to get over the damn thing and get back on track. While the worst symptoms of a cold usually passes after a few days, the voice is affected for a longer period afterwards. Drat.

Well, at least there's more progress being done on the Lollo flash as of now. Mittsies got some free time again to continue with the project, and I made some changes in it to make it a bit easier for him. It's still pretty buggy, but it's starting to shape up. The abundance of various voiceclips and different facial expressions is making it quite difficult to balance out. But it's making slow, steady progress at least. And I'd say that's positive.

Lastly, I want to show you another sketch I made, which I think will work out great for the Zu/Johanna flash part.

It's very rough, I'll have to redraw it and fine tune it for the final art later of course! This position will make the action up close and good, while also being relatively easy to work with! I have high hopes for it.
I also redrew the background completely, hopefully it will make the main scene pop out more against it. I'm still really bad with colors due to colorblindness, so I don't know yet. But eh, this one is a bit more optimized, I think the previous background made things a bit laggy during certain animations. It's not as busy.

And I guess I can try to cover some of the questions you asked last time. I'm glad to have recieved so many comments, it makes it easier to judge what I should try to include and what I could change for the better. Or leave out completely. I appreciate the sketches and picture references that was posted too!

"Remove pubes option?"
Got this a lot. I might include one. I don't think there's any garbage area behind them in any of the animations, but I would have to check. It wouldn't be super hard.

"I liked the pose where she was handcuffed to a pole and I think that pose covers all of your criteria pretty well. I sketched out what the pose could look like in the flash as a warm up and figured I'd post it here if it'd help you pick a good direction for the pose."

Not really a question, but I wanted to to highlight these sketches CountMoxi made! Big, fatass Zu and Johanna, hoahoa!

"While I'm not a fand of voice acting outside of general sounds and moans the artwork and aination you have going for this is fucking fantastic and just the quality has me just counting off the days As for the pose i think it really depends on the animals that are going to be in it."
Personally, I think the additional voicelines adds a more personal touch to the flash! I also write my lines with a bit of comedy though, so it might be understandable that they're not likeable by all. But I don't really like the generic "oo fuk my pussy" kind of approach I see in most other porn.

I had a little suggestion time at my discord server a few weeks ago too, where I asked what sort of animals that people wanted to see in it. I got a lot of request for dog, pig and horse. And a whole lot of other things too, but those suggestions weren't animals and thus didn't fit the context. The thing I got out of the whole thing was that an overwhelming amount of people wanted Zu pregnant one way or the other.

"Can there be an option to add dicks? A feminine penis would be nice."
Not this time. If I want that option to be implemented well, I'd have to do a lot of work to not make it look static or tacked on. I'd also want to make it go hard, soft and ejaculate. The balls would probably also be problematic, since they'd hang down over the anus which makes it difficult to make them co-exist with various anal penetration animations.

"if youre keen on just equine maybe an option for color variants too, and a sweaty option for her skin perhaps"
I did add color options in the Zara part, so it might be possible. We'll see, I don't remember the requirements for not making them completely glitch out, it had something to do with having them on the same layer or appear at all times, which is kinda difficult to do when I'm planning on having a few different kinds of cocks. But, we shall see.

The sweaty skin option might be nice. I'd have to figure out how to draw it well, though. We'll see about that too.

"One thing that I'd really appreciate is the cumflation stuff being optional. I know it's kinda your thing, but it's just kinda gross to me and the option to have it not happen would be really appreciated"
Usually, cuminflation has to be animated in manually into the scenes, so it's not always easy to make it optional. With these flashes, considering their complex and rather lengthy animations, it's not possible to do so.

"You wouldn't suppose you could have them suspended in air and arms bound behind their backs. It could fit the theme since it would be simple and less movement to animate, and would also allow could allow the other conditions set. "
The "suspended in the air" thing is actually pretty hard to pull off. You need to include the swinging factor in every animation you make, and that can be pretty difficult to get right.

"Will this be like the christmas one where the more you fuck her, her attitude gets more lewd? Or at least will she be cuming/squirting? Or is it more of a simple animation style."
I'm not sure which of the projects you are referencing, but I am planning on doing something similar with them. We'll see how it plays out, though. The amount of facial animations I make usually makes flash really laggy and difficult to work with, but it's a thing I'd like to add.

"Will they eye brow color change too or nah? Just seems off for the hair color to match."
The eyebrows will be animated frame by frame when the facial animations kick in. Having them switch color will make it difficult to code in.

There, I hope this update was satisfactory. It took a rather long time to write it all out, even if I tried to keep it short.

Ah, it stopped raining... I was hoping to fall asleep to the sound of it. How unfortunate. I'm still pretty tired though, so sleep should come quick.
2018-09-16 17:47:22
Comments (35)
equine love
2018-09-17 07:45:20
Woo!!, Zu's gonna take her first horse cock. Love your work keep it up. :p
Rock Candy1775417753
2018-09-17 05:58:54
Good you said something, I accidentally uploaded the same image twice. I fixed it now.
Rectum Raider
2018-09-17 05:21:37
I can't spot the difference between the two "Zu does a Peacesign"-pictures
Rock Candy1775117750
2018-09-17 04:27:39
It's similar to RR, sure, but it works out very well with the things I've planned. It's also not too different from the previous version, when it was Zu & Zeta. Just more up close. Since I'm going to reuse a lot of assets, this position makes it very easy to work with, too. If it was just going to be a single dicking animation, the other positions would be more viable. It's been long enough time between the projects to give it another chance, me thinks. Zoo's position isn't the same, she's lying on her back with her legs spread, while Zu lies with her legs doubled over and her butt facing up in the air. Projects after this might not be so dependant on a single scene, which leaves more option for more varied positions. But that's something that we'll take when we get there.
2018-09-17 03:58:44
Hmm not for nothing but you kinda used that pose for the last really big flash you did with Zu since it's the exact same you had in the Rudolph flash. Maybe something a little different? Especially since it's the same one you're already using for Zoo but from an angle. I mean I'll enjoy the flash regardless but some food for thought
Rock Candy1774917748
2018-09-17 03:43:16
Probably not. It's pretty difficult to do that in 2D animation without using very basic angles.
2018-09-17 03:35:46
I guess haing the horse's whole body is not gonna work for this sketch is it? I'd rather not have the floating dicks.
Rock Candy1774717742
2018-09-17 02:07:23
I meant if he was asking for it in the Zoo flash or the Zu flash.
Rock Candy1774617741
2018-09-17 02:06:40
What do you think I'm trying to do?
Rock Candy1774517739
2018-09-17 02:06:20
Yeah I know what you mean, but I can't see it work as well with the things I've planned.
2018-09-17 00:21:59
Thanks for the feedback man I see what you mean, I did some thinking about that afterward not realizing what coding language may be used(not mention the amount of extra frames for swinging). Thanks, for the consideration. Keep up the good work.
Pervy Sage [Pervert Mode]
2018-09-17 00:14:55
Frodo is correct, that person that asked the question was referring to your "Rudolph's Revenge" Flash where if you make Zu cum enough, she starts loving/begging for it. Basically they're asking if there will be Mindbreak.
2018-09-17 00:01:57
"Will this be like the christmas one where the more you fuck her, her attitude gets more lewd? Or at least will she be cuming/squirting? Or is it more of a simple animation style." I believe this person is referring to Rudolph's Revenge.
2018-09-16 23:27:15
just finish this game dude...
2018-09-16 18:10:09
I really like the new sketch you did, still I think that it would be nice a more higher view for that pose, idk if u understand. What I mean is that from that pose guessing that it'll have a stomach bulge from the penetration, we won't get to see the bulge very good.