I got my ass into gear and finished up those last cum animations this weekend. I'm now letting somebody string it together so a demo can be made. I asked my patrons what they thought I should do, release it without voice and facial expressions or wait til all that's done, and it seems like most of them wanted to wait for the voice. I feel like that's a good idea too. I've got a girl who's willing to voicing Zoo a try, so I'm hoping it works out!

I also had some time to think of what to do with the Zu/Zeta part. Since it's going to sport two characters instead of one, and all the previous parts have turned out to become quite laggy and possible crashprone, I had to cut down on some of the planned stuff, the major one being I got to work with two similar styles of bodyshape to be able to recycle animation a lot easier. Zeta didn't like this, so she instead opted to pull out of the project this time around.
I still want to have two characters featured though, so the question is... Who will replace Zeta?

I've been thinking of either Johanna or Sixten. Johanna has a more similar build though, so it might work a lot better with her. Besides, she hasn't been in a flash yet. Because she's practically not a fully fleshed out character yet... But people still want her to receive the dick.

I drew another thing, too! Tearing Tyrant!

Well, until I can get voiceclips to work with and figure out what to do with the Zu part of the farm project, I'm not sure what to do. I guess I'll have to look into side projects or something. We'll see.
I do want feedback and ideas about what to do with the Zu part though, so throw me some in the comments.
2018-09-02 21:27:06
Comments (26)
2018-09-03 11:57:39
Great that things are still moving along. My vote is also to see Johanna in since you haven't had her in any animations yet. Btw what ever happened to the zu collab animation you we're working on?
Rock Candy1762417623
2018-09-03 11:30:07
Ain't my character. Zeta R02 is the full name. From that Project X thing.
Buttbuster Extraordinaire
2018-09-03 10:53:23
WHO is Zeta? Can't find her in the charactergallery.
Rock Candy1762217621
2018-09-03 08:37:52
From what I've been told, she ain't up for rape stuff.
2018-09-03 06:28:28
There´s a girl called Ooley Tiger who´s currently kind of famous for voicing weird porn stuff, animations, sfm and so on. Maybe she would for your projects as well. Regards
2018-09-03 05:04:11
very much in favor of Johanna as replacement to Zeta. Time for the bit character to get into the action too.