Hey, I'm here again!
Kinda had some bad weather while I was away. Mostly stayed inside and played Mario Party. Meh.
But we came to the conclusion that Mario Party 6 is the best Mario Party.

But anyway, I had fun and that's what counts!

So, we're back to Zu. Here's that seventh image that was complained about!
Zu Profile Image 7
Ya, it's Zu's swimsuit!

Thank you Card Game, for your lenghty reply! You gave me a lot of ideas, so I'll need to think about 'em! Going really sexual is tempting, but at the same time I don't want her to come across as a slut!
But that Pumpkin costume, she's already wearing something similiar in the eight image. I changed the pumpkin hat to a cap, though.

Anyway, I should start up work on ZZZZ again.
I've been thinking about flash stuff while I was gone, and I think I might want to start make flashes like Rear Guard instead of game-like stuff. I think I might turn Butt Bus from game format into movie format. It'll make it less bloated to work with and I can more easily do different positions, add a sense of progression instead of resetting or being limited to a single set of assets.
I mean, Rear Guard isn't that bad, is it? What's your opinion? Would ya like to see more movies instead of games? Both have their pros and cons. It's a difficult choice.
2016-07-18 09:10:06
Comments (26)
2016-07-18 13:33:44
I like the games more, because it gives us freedom to do more what we like. Like specific sceens, instead of rewatching certain parts. You are the creator and do as you wish with your own content. But the games is what made me love your stuff, rear guard was good. But not anywhere close to the flash games tbh
2016-07-18 13:01:29
You can do movie style is ok but we have no control over it. Game's you can control and i like having control. Welp do what you think is easy and fun for you.
Rock Candy14875
2016-07-18 12:39:07
I don't mean literally Rear Guard. Rear Guard is focused on humor, I'd focus on porn in future projects. With some sort of scene select, yes.
2016-07-18 11:04:40
games are the one man. rudolfs revenge is one hell of a replayer!
2016-07-18 11:04:26
I prefer the game format as well. The movie stuff can be okay as long as there's a scene selector but it's not nearly as fun imo.
2016-07-18 10:41:01
I mean.... rear guard isn't even really fappable. Yeah its funny and stuff, but I still come back for Rudolph's revenge and Makoto game. I dunno, you do you, but I don't really care for the rear guard like content.