Dicks and Bras
Since I've grown to dislike the profile image for Zara over time, I decided it was time to make a new one! It's been in the works for a while, but I only work on them on saturdays. It's part of my weelky little schedule. I've become more efficient at doing these, so the next one should be done faster compared to before. I might go back and fix up the legs on Ellie, but Lollo's is the next on the schedule after I give Zara her full set of clothes.

'Nuff talk, here they are:
Zara's new profile image!
Zara's new profile image, in her underwear!

I spent a lot of time drawing dickgirl Zu in a bunch of different scenarios. The last one was appreciated, so I hope this will be too. I tried making her as cute as possible.

I also drew asleeping Zoo.

Cinndrie jumped on the girls with dicks wagon too, and made Futa Ellie and Dickgirl Zu interacting with each other!
It's scary to think of them like this, drawn in a more realistic way! But it's still a great piece!

And in the continuation of "Deal with a Devil", we see another character get involved in the story...! Pyreaus says he wants to keep a weekly or bi-weekly schedule releasing new chapters, which sounds nice~.

And to be serious for a while, in the last update I got a pair of comments upset about my way of updating the site. While some thought it's a bunch of nonsense, I don't think it's completely unreasonable. Just 'cause it's free it doesn't mean I'm above critiscm.

I'll quote and answer to the best of my ability:

The Final Straw
I've been a long time lurker and I noticed this trend way back and it's finally annoyed me enough to speak out. After every disappointment I cringe to still see some gullible people constantly believe your excuses and "can't wait for it to finally be done next week". Face it, you just can't be bothered and you've been lying to your fans for years. At least stop giving the more gullible people a false sense of hope and actually update when you have something worth showing!

This is a legit problem I have, I'm very bad at putting out ETAs and deadlines. Since I'm pretty much always making things with the help of friends and other people, I think "I'm basically done with this, so it should be finished pretty soon!", forgetting that other people don't have as much freetime as I do. Other times, I'm to blame. Sometimes I wake up and hit a wall, unable to make myself do anything. I do not know why this is, and I do not like it at all. But it happens.

I guess I'll try to not put up false hopes in the future? Should I stop making updates every sunday and post whenever I got anything to post? I feel like a bunch of tiny scattered updates wont make anybody happy. Sure, sometimes I might not have anything to show off, but what am I supposed to do? If I don't post anything, some people might wonder where I've gone.

Any thoughts on this matter?

Moving on to the next comment:

I have to say I agree-
Sure, life is sometimes tough, but these constant updates saying 'it's coming it's coming'.. why not tell us the storyline? Or give some more screenshots? Is it because there isn't much to show?

If there isn't much to show, you have a core problem as an artist. There needs to be lots of work.

Most of the time, there's nothing interesting to show. The way I work does not make for good screenshots, unless there's some craving for wanting to see bodyparts in different positions or blobs of white at 1600% zoom.

And I don't like revealing everything as I go, I want there to be surprises when I release the flash.

Even if there is lots of work, it's usually things that you wont think about when watching the flash, but is incredibly important to me. Making sure the animations is smooth and doesn't flicker about, for example. Tiny details that take hours to make, but does not wind up with much to show in a weekly update.

I like your Sunday updates, but it seems pointless every week to say "I played so much Smash this week woh hoh hoh, but I couldn't get any work done"
Like, prioritise that shit. If you want to be the best artist, and I know you do, because we have spoken about it, then you need to work HARD. It's hard work. And it needs to be as routine as you can make it.

Routines are a pretty difficult thing for me. Mostly due to there are no routined events during my days, and how my sleeprythm work. I have a very hard time falling asleep, even though I'm tired and it's very hard to get up in the mornings.

While I'd like to do something about it, I don't know what.
That doesn't mean I don't do my best when it comes to work. I set up goals and take breaks when I've reached them.

It's not easy when you're juggling a bunch of different stuff at once either.

So to make up for this, let me show what I'm doing for this cumscene. It's more movement than usual, so it's only natural it's gonna take longer, since I am not used with frame by frameing.


As you can see, there's a lot of arms to draw and shade. And then I've not even started sketching up the movements for boobs and semen.

Believe me, I don't want to let anybody down. I wanna make some good porn, but I'm a slow worker. I work for a long time, but progress might not be as fast as other people could reach in the same amount. I cannot help that.

I hope we can discuss these things in the comments.
I'm out for today.
2015-09-13 14:51:12
Comments (25)
Alley Kat
2015-09-13 18:17:51
Agreed. You always produce high quality stuff. Its pretty impressive!
2015-09-13 17:27:18
ignore the whining. you give your fans awesome content, for free, all the time. you owe nobody nothing, and i, and a lot of your fans, are grateful for your work.
2015-09-13 17:19:08
I can understand their frustration, however I'm more a fan of your weekly updates. I don't care for the ETAs, the flash is done when it's done, but I think it shows a vested interest in your community. I follow some game devs who only update when they have something new and interesting to show, but sometimes you don't hear from them in months. I'd much rather a weekly "not done yet" than a "check out this new feature" every 6 months.
Brent Noble
2015-09-13 16:31:02
Keep on being kick ass. Every animation I've seen you put out has gotten better and better. Please continue to put the time into each one, your work deserves it and so do you. If a single frame takes a month, then it takes a month. It's gonna be the best frame it can be and you'll be the best artist you can be. It pains me to see people give you hate mail, so from one filmmaker to another, please keep up the great work.
2015-09-13 16:27:30
Longtime lurker here who definitely won't be able to speak for everyone, but I'll give my two cents. The issue over the Sunday updates mainly comes from the fact that people love you work and want more of it. Every week your fans (or at least myself) are hoping and praying to see your next work. When a Sunday update comes out with little to show,(regardless of reason) people get disappointing. But it happens, some weeks you get more done that others. So the solution here may be consistency, trying to make each update (besides flash updates that are few and far between) be similar. Maybe each one always talks about the current flash progress, what you did that week with friends, and a picture. I don't think it would solve everything, but that is just my idea. Regardless I'm one person who does enjoy the Sunday updates and I wish you the best of luck with this issue and all of your work in the future.