Ack, this week has been so crazy, I don't even know what to write. I'll try anyway!

I've made some good progress on the besped flash. I now only have the cumscene left of the main animations, but then there's a lot of details left to add. It feels as if it is starting to get finished though, and that's always nice. It might still take a couple of weeks or so, since I am switching between projects a lot. This week I hope I'll make good progress on GBlastman's trade.

I started flashifying Sofi's new profile picture.
Any comments on it would be nice. I personally think the eyes came out really great. But I'm not so sure about the nipples, I have a hard time drawing small ones with no breasts.

We streamed some Paper Mario on friday, it was quite spontaneous, so I don't think many of you catched it. To the ones who did, I hope it was entertaining, 'cause it was the last Paper Mario stream. Next game will be Metro, I hope. We'll also have to dig up some other console game to stream.

I've gotten quite a few different opinions on this Patreon thing.
For you who say we should use PayPal; we tried that out when we started up the site, but we kind of got banned because PayPal does not support porn. Patreon does, apparently. Since I might not get welfare moneys anymore starting from 2016, I'd either have to get a job and become even slower at what I'm doing, or have to stop completely. I wouldn't like that! I also wouldn't want to put my work behind a paywall. So it would be more like a monthly donation thing, to me, so that I can pay rents and shit. I don't want to disappoint any of ya, working on porn is the only thing I can! But I'm still not sure what to do here. I always become so awkward when money is involved...

Speaking of which, I bought myself a new tablet, since my current one is starting to get worn out, and the underside of it has smelt like dill for the longest of time. It is the most confusing thing ever, because I don't eat dill or anything like it.

And today, a guy emailed me saying he wanted to make a 3D model of Zu and maybe other characters and do 3D porn animations or something. I'm not really sure what to do anymore, there's just so much things on my mind right now, it's hard to sit down and focus on a single thing. Gah. Multitasking is pain, I tell ya! But it's also nice to switch it up when you get tired of working on one thing.

Look at me, rambling. Clearly I should stop writing and go do something else. Like sleep.

Again, I'd like to hear what you have to say about everything and anything, so leave a comment before you go!
2014-12-14 17:34:10
Comments (24)
2014-12-14 23:14:09
It is getting to that crazy time where the year's ending, so I don't blame you for being so busy with everything. Keep doing what you gotta do, friend! I'd like to see plenty more of your work in the future and would love to support any way that I can! Art looks great, by the way! I have a friend who tells me to draw girls with 'no mounds', and it's a pain in the ass for me as well. They look fine to me though. Keep up the awesome work! =3
2014-12-14 21:41:11
Could give her big areolas and small tits. Winning combination there.
It's all USELESS
2014-12-14 21:21:53
It's all USELESS
2014-12-14 21:03:13
The most obvious thing about the profile pic of Zoo is that you forgot the nails of the left feet. The eyes are great, as you say, but I feel the line of the left armpit is a bit to long, and you didn't made any line for Zoo's left wrist, compared to her right wrist. I hope to see that trade flash of yours really soon Philip :)