Post moving week
The move went pretty smooth. I don't have any chairs though... So I can't really sit down and work on anything yet. There are still some things that needs to be done, but most have been done already. I moved to the big city, kind of, and there are so many burkas. Very scary for a aspie like myself.
It's a one-roomer, but all of my stuff somehow managed to fit. There's clothes all over the floor, because sorting that shit out is so damn boring. Meh. There's also a pile of boxes in a corner. What I don't like is that it's on the first floor, and the wndows are huge so everybody can just see everything I do. And it's easy for people to just jump in a window if they wish. Worst. Paranoia is a natural thing for me.

Anyway, I recieved comments on that I should give up on the christmas flash. I really don't want to give up on it. Besides, I recently got a very nice skilled guy to code the damn thing. What he did in three days has been three months of work for the previous attempters. I'm so stunned by the results that I don't know what to think. I've been so exhausted from actually doing things that I've not been able to look at it much. Huff. I should get a grip on myself. When not sorting things out, I've been playing on my Nintendo 64. Damn Paper Mario.

Anyway, the new About page finally works! It shoulda been rewritten ages ago, but at least it is done now? Yay? If there's something not making sense, do put a comment. I'll try to word it better, or something.

And to give you something to look at, I present to you:
A shitty painting of Lollo!
I'm not proud of it. But there it is.

So yeah, I can't really do anything until I get my chair back. Should be by the end of this week though. I'll try to whip up something special when that happens, for the waiting fans out there. As for now, I'm gonna go and laze about some more. Maybe I'll draw a picture or two as well! Mwah!
2014-08-11 13:35:15
Rock Candy
Comments (26)
2014-08-12 18:32:08
I don't think you guys really understand the point of the people bitching and griping (me included in that category). While some people might make shitty, sarcastic comments, some of us are pissed that a flash, regardless of if it is free or not, regardless of how well-done it is, and regardless of if it's out of RockCandy's hands, has YET to be completed roughly 8 months past when it was themed. It's mostly just venting, but personally I don't give a shit what the excuse is, 8 months is bull.
the man
2014-08-12 00:58:45
man, you do what you want to do, not what these morons says,if you need to take a break, take it, if you need to relax, relax, it's your life dude, i wish you the best, you one of my favorites flash artist and i hope you can get the flash done....
Rock Candy1169411693
2014-08-12 00:11:54
I will, thank you. It depends on what you want. I can't see your email though, so you'll have to send one to me if you want to discuss further, I guess.
2014-08-11 21:19:52
RC, stay motivated, if people are complaining about the timeline of freeshit thats their problem. I for one look forward to all the flashes you publish. Don't give up, your fans are eagerly anticipating the completion. By the way, do you do commissions outside of your own character's realm? I have something in mind that I wouldn't want anyone but you to create as I a huge fan of your work. There would be compensation, I'd happily donate to your chair fund :D. Shoot me an email please.
2014-08-11 18:26:04
To an extent, I agree with your sentiments.
an angry guy
2014-08-11 15:32:43
when did RC's fans become stupid autists? no offenses RC, aspies are cooler than normal autists why should he stop working on the fucking crhistmas flash after so much work? if you guys are a bunch of vagina-fappers who don't like to fap to RC porn, i sugest you to gtfo because i wanna see that fucking christmas flash and if RC decides to stop working on that shit i'll request a copy of the .fla file so i can finish that flash myself and keep it to me i am disappoint. i hope y'all get kill.