New Rules
OKay, so due to a lot of people cheating with the votes, I'm going to turn this into an idea pitch instead.

I'm really looking for the best idea, not which character to use. I already got a bunch of nice ideas, but I'd like to hear some more. Perhaps your idea is which I'll decide to do! I'll probably fuse the ones I like the most. It's fine to include a character in your idea as well, if you want to.

Send an email with your idea to:

[email protected]

Keep in mind that I have only 24 days to finish the flash, as I start working on dec 1. So don't send anything too elaborate, or I wont make it. Just look at Onihole, hoahoa!

Please don't emails that contains only a name or unspecific things like "Hardcore buttsex!", because that doesn't really help me at all.

And don't forget, the flash is centered around this guy!

The reason why I do this, is to minimize cheating! The comments on newspost are a bit bugged. 10 comments per page are supposed to show, but thanks to some miss in the coding, 10 only show on the first page, the rest only show 5.
2013-11-11 08:06:05
Rock Candy
Comments (21)
2013-11-11 08:09:28
well it could be is revenge on lolo for not leaving him in human form :P