Unlimited Frustration and a Poll.
Everything I've made contact with today has been just... Terrible. Awful. Horrible.

I start the day off by being waken up by my annoying neighbour's shitty music taste, followed up by having a mysterious ghost experience in the shower. Then I use Flash CS6 in a collab with Mittsies, and it is the worst piece of shit I've ever had the chance to work with. And to top it off, RC.se is broken fucking everywhere. So if stuff seems not right, it's because it's not. It's probably worse. Don't expect the forum to be up anytime soon, because why would someone ever want to make something work.

I am so sick of life right now. I want to kill. Strangle. Murder.

With that said, I uploaded the fan stuff that I showed in the previous news post. Everything is still wonky as shit, but at least it is showing.

Before I explode out of anger, I have some good news for the fans on (the barely functioning) Rockcandy.se.

I have no idea what to do with this christmas flash. All I have is the character you see above. So I decided to make something I almost never do.

It's a poll.



Vote on what character you want to see with Rudolf the Black!
And make a wish for what the content will be. I have not decided yet, so most popular or interesting idea will be made. Write that wish in a comment either here in the news post or at the pollsite itself. You have until Nov 30 to vote and comment, so take your time. Or something.

Now let's hope this piece of shit works or else I will end my life prematurely.
2013-11-10 15:40:57
Rock Candy
Comments (66)
Rock Candy1008410083
2013-11-11 06:47:32
Hoahoa. Well, I'll figure something out. There's still a lot of time left.
Bad news
2013-11-11 06:43:13
That doesn't really make sense. Sixten seems the be the only character that has amassed a large amount of votes without cheating, and seems more deserving as it's been asked for, for quite a bit. But I concede, if you want to do that, then you should, because anything is better than a cheater winning, even if it's not personally what I would choose.
Rock Candy1008210081
2013-11-11 06:37:51
Then, I'll choose the character with the least votes! Well, if I had the forum, I think it'd be less prone to cheating.
Bad news
2013-11-11 06:30:15
No idea. But someone is spamming ellie with votes. Even if she was somehow removed it would continue. I would just say decide another way without voting. There's going to be cheating no matter what it looks like.
Rock Candy1008010079
2013-11-11 06:25:53
Hmmh. Well, then what should I do?
Bad news
2013-11-11 06:21:55
No it's not possible, not with voting sites like this. Few voting sites have proxy blockers, and I don't think you could manually take out ips that match on here. To check them being used, just input the proxy manually and try to vote though, it'll tell you that you've already voted. Showing that the proxies IP was used to vote and used for cheating.
Rock Candy1007810076
2013-11-11 06:16:54
Well, that's no good. I... Do not know how to use or read stats of that site, so I can't really get any information out of it. Is it even possible to stop such things? I mean, I can't edit or remove the votes or some such...
Bad news
2013-11-11 06:15:22
This is why internet polls are bad idea. Almost every time there's cheaters. This is fucking stupid too, because Sixten was going to probably legitimately win.
Bad news
2013-11-11 06:10:27
Bad news RC, I keep seeing ellie's votes spike, so i checked some proxies on hidemyass in their proxy list, and almost all of the recent ones have been used for voting on your poll. Ontop of that, ellie is the only one that's been getting votes consistently every few minutes this last hour, and they were JUST posted within the hour. Someone IS stuffing the ballot. Here's the link, check the proxies for yourself. http://hidemyass.com/proxy-list/ We have a fucking cheater.
Rock Candy1007510074
2013-11-11 05:59:26
I don't care if people are complaining though. I don't mind doing gay stuff, because I'm not a homophobe.
2013-11-11 05:57:48
Also check the homophobe on the voting site pretending to be two people. The IP is tracked on the comments to the right. So if you want to weed out samefags pretending to be other people, you can plainly see 'em. I'm sure you can already do that here in the comment section also though. Just saying for the people pretending to be multiple people "outraged", when it's the same sad fuck spamming.
Rock Candy1007310072
2013-11-11 05:49:21
Well, Ellie is the most popular due to her looks. I'm not surprised she's gaining many votes. But I'm watching, ye.
2013-11-11 05:37:08
Yeah he gradually went up over a while, then went up more with the thread. Ellie is the only one that's been spiking. Pay attention to her votes.
Rock Candy1007110070
2013-11-11 05:36:16
Well, I too, thought it was cheating. I went to bed and Sixten had liek 10 votes, and when I woke up he had over 200. But I didn't know about the imageboard thing until now. I wasn't in the thread though, so I can't say for sure. Lots of people have requested Sixten stuff, so it could just be them and their friends. I'll just have to wait and see.
2013-11-11 05:31:02
What about these people crying about cheating? I don't understand it, even when there's a viable source of voters. It's amazing how retarded they are.
Rock Candy1006910068
2013-11-11 05:24:57
Neat. Too bad I missed it, then. But if it made people aware site is back up, that's only good. I hope it happens again, more votes is good!
2013-11-11 05:19:10
Yep, thread is down now though, happened a few hours ago. Also hey RC, glad to see your site back up, I didn't even know until i saw the thread.
Rock Candy1006710065
2013-11-11 05:18:07
This was posted on an imageboard?
Learn how to use your eyes
2013-11-11 05:17:27
Actually you're completely wrong. It wasn't a spike, I was watching it gradually go up over quite a while. I've been paying attention to the votes, and the only one that HAS had spikes thus far except from the very beginning is Ellie. Watch the votes spike everytime Sixten gets a vote. It's hilarious how someone is stuffing the poll for Ellie, and is cheating, and it's incredibly obvious.
2013-11-11 05:14:31
Someone said this would happen. Also ellie jumped from 100ish to almost 200 in a FEW HOURS. THAT is TOTALLY not suspicious, especially when sixten has this many votes after being posted on an imageboard and over the course of 8 HOURS. Yeah it's totally sixten cheating, dipfuck. That's some logic. "my character isn't winning, everyone else is cheating :'c"