Stand By
Actually, this is TheFxApocGroup speaking, once again..

The bastard removed our shit. :| But oh-well..
2013-01-02 17:55:49
Comments (53)
2013-01-03 22:53:33
Why do you have to do this Hackers? When I discovered rockcandy I really enjoyed what the artist made and looked forward to what Rockcandy would make next but now you are coming along taking over a site just because you feel like it. I bet you are a bunch fucking twelve year olds Who screw with peoples work just to feel good about your self since you probably suck in real life.
2013-01-03 21:00:38
To those of you who have been wondering what the song is: MGMT - Electric Feel Enjoy.
2013-01-03 20:51:17
seriously RC might want to post on safer sites like FA or Inkbunny way better than having low levels hackers censoring you by going on group sites,they are less likely to hack you,plus those sites have their own hackers defending their sites that group is not reknown for anything,just small changes in the piggy bank of hackers
2013-01-03 20:10:29
So I'm an idiot and everyone else here is an idiot because we're expressing our opinions on something we love? Generally your getting insulted for many reasons. The site obviously didn't need your help, and if RC really wanted you to help he would have asked. Porn just isn't for jacking off to, it's considered an art and RC's art is excellent. You and your team can be self proclaimed Professionals, but all I see is a sloppy mess on the site. You should clean yourself up and comeback with a professional approach and ask, yes ask RC if he wants you involved with his site, and not just force yourself upon him and his work just because you can. Not to mention I would like to see RC posting this news, since it is his site. It's fine if he said you can do all this, but I want to see his approval. Not just some little BS post either, something that only RC can post. New Hentai Flashes or Pictures of his characters. -Lines need to be Drawn- ~Rusty~
2013-01-03 19:15:36
What kind of hackers spend their time harassing an obscure website for a handfull of flash movies about butt-sex? What's even the motivation behind this crap? What 'lulz' do you get for minorly annoying a small group of strangers on the internet?
2013-01-03 19:09:56
Hacker this Hacker that. To me, it seems they just want attention. Besides, sorry RC, but it seems like the site has relativly low security so it wasn't a huge feat like hacking Sony or Microsoft. And that "14 years of experience" stuff, I'm more inclined to not believe that if they get their kicks out of hacking sites like this. So nice try "hackers" but next time, go do something more worthwhile. Thanx anyway.
2013-01-03 18:27:13
Just a bunch of pea-brained life-rejects that desperetly seek attention and wanna feel 'strong'. Pathetic.
2013-01-03 17:45:53
so where's the porn?
2013-01-03 17:44:58
I stand corrected... Mind = blown
2013-01-03 17:42:52
Also, The Hunter could not in a million years form a sentence with that much completeness! Nice try though! XD
2013-01-03 17:40:20
Well, this was an interesting surprise. I have to say, TheFxApocBoat, you have quite some talent to hack a REALLY low level security, small time website in Sweden. I have some feedback for you: Pros: I like the music. What is t called? :3 Improvements: It would be awesome if you could hack the Pentagon and put this music on it. XD Anyway, I'm just gonna go back to homework. See yah!
2013-01-03 16:52:34
That my first comment on this site and im verry sad to do this for hacker -_-", but if you want to stop pornsite good luck because they have more than millions on the web and the same amount is created and disapear per day. I don't know if im understood cause of my english level, but I love this site and the stuff he made, I think it's pretty artistic and the backgrounds of the characters is worked. So I beg you to leave this site because you are for freedom and pepople you say so in the name of my freedom I want to see more porn stuff on this site because the style and the stuff of this site is unique and you can't just destroy years of work cause you decide is bad and not appropriate. If your argument is for protect childs you don't do it in the right way cause the first step in the web for a child is with school or parent so this is their responsibilities to prevent and protect child from adult site. And for end this post you can install proxy or parental control for block pornsite from childs, SO IN THE NAME OF MY LIBERTY TO WATCH PORN ON WEB I WANT YOU TO LEAVE PLEASE !
2013-01-03 15:46:46
I.. fail to see what the point is. What "lulz" is to be had from hacking a small website like this? Oh anonymous. How you've fallen.
2013-01-03 15:44:12
You guys can act cool, justified and feel like you have some actual power in your no doubt petty lives all you want It doesn't change that you're the worst kind of people. If you're here for luls, go away. No one wants you here. If you're trying to take down the porn, it's not your call. Leave the site alone, losers. No one is impressed that you can hack a relatively insecure website.
2013-01-03 15:12:16
What do the hackers mean by cleasning the site and to stop the porn?
A Curious Person
2013-01-03 14:55:59
Um, for what reason are they doing this? I haven't really noticed any secured content/credit cards lying around, probably because this site does do that. Kind of a waste of time and talent don't you think? If it's just for lols, that's kind of...lame...
fake everyone
2013-01-03 14:23:45
Hi hackers you are cool in my book please fuck up this site forever fuck rock candy and his fans. I cant under stand how nobody cares that he has underage kids help him make his porn do you see anything wrong with that.
Prof. Walrus
2013-01-03 14:18:47
My thoughts are with you RC. Wish they'd just leave you alone.
Fagger from the planet Niggots
2013-01-03 13:37:09
Nah, it's alright. I don't want to slow you down with what you're doing right now. I'm sure you want to work in peace.
Faggots from the Planet Niggeria
2013-01-03 13:20:42
But, I wanted to hear some beautiful tunes! You can't deprive me of this now!