Late update again.
Damn, I've been forgetful lately... I have so much on my mind right now. I'm going to move very soon, and there's so much that needs to be done. I'm not used to all this stuff going on, so I've been a bit absentminded lately. So yeah...

Don't really have much to say today either.

Well, there's been this contest for Project X this month, which is almost over by this point... But it's supposed to be people making boy-versions of the characters in the game for some genderbending stuff or whatever, and as most of them are sonic fans and probably don't give a shit about Zu, I doubt she'll get any suggestion-pictures. Now, I'm not a guy who finds boys sexy, so I do not know how to make a boy-Zu look good and such... So if anyone's up for it, draw a quickie of boy-Zu, and I'll have some to choose from. Even a single picture would help, actually...

Well, enough about that. I'm going to continue work on Besped's flash soon, so I'll be out for now! Got any questions, just leave a comment and I'll reply if I can.

2012-10-29 09:23:46
Rock Candy
Comments (25)
2012-10-29 12:12:37
I for one, am rather excited to see a boy-Zu. Looking forward to it! =D
Rock Candy80798077
2012-10-29 11:01:14
She can't change age! Just looks. Nice to hear you're interested in her, at least.
Rock Candy80788076
2012-10-29 10:59:29
2012-10-29 10:41:14
Just make her a shota or something. A trap shota? *shrugs* I dunno. Whatever you do will probably involve butts and lots of cum - hence, I for one, am sold. If it's any comfort, my main interest in Project X *IS* Zu XD So keep up the good work.
2012-10-29 09:34:17
Do You enjoy makeing flash animations???