But Besped got busy this week, so he was unable to finish it in time. He said there's not a lot left though, so I'm hoping next week.

As for me, I tried to draw after months of not drawing, and it went horrible.
Otherwise, it's the same stuff I always tell you, sprites and flashes and blah blah.

I'm going to see a psychitrist tomorrow so I gotta get up early, if anyone cares. I'm just trying to fill out the update so it wont look very empty, OKay?!

Really, I should start drawing again so I at least have SOME content, other than fan stuff. I guess I have been lazy lately.

Well, again, I'll post Onihole as soon as it gets finished.
While you may feel excited for it, I'm only feeling unease. I always feel uneasy when I'm releasing a bigger project, because it might have bugs or weird things in it, or people wont like it. So in one case, Onihole not being finished feels... Good and bad at the same time. If that makes any sense.

I shall now attempt to finish a sprite set of Zu getting anally raped by a dolphin. Bye.
2012-09-23 15:37:18
Rock Candy
Comments (51)
2012-09-25 01:18:57
lol yeah there's a connection: his frontal output and your rear input
2012-09-24 23:39:27
AE and IN
2012-09-24 18:45:50
I have Asperger's too. I like anal sex too. Is there any connection?
2012-09-24 14:45:15
I, of course, meant 'unrelated note'. Sigh.
2012-09-24 14:38:43
Waiting with patience. On a related note: I know you're not really into vaginal sex (I can get behind that) but I think you guys can agree about the awesomeness of this. I just wanted to share.
2012-09-24 05:32:31
Yes, you can expect a Halloween flash... one year from now. Then add another month of wait for every person who's anticipating the flash.
2012-09-24 04:49:56
Won't mind if there are "bugs or weird things" in the flash if it'll allow me to glitch a triple anal
2012-09-24 01:54:40
Can we expect a Halloween flash? Last years was pretty good.
Rock Candy77937792
2012-09-24 01:47:56
No, retired. Which I think sounds nice. Is that so? What do we have in common?
Prof. Walrus
2012-09-24 01:46:04
Do you mean tired? Because retiring at that age is what's killing the economy XD Also, I have Asperger's too :) I thought we had a lot in common ;)
Rock Candy77917790
2012-09-24 00:52:25
Yes, but I get retired early, due to me being diagnosed with aspergers.
Prof. Walrus
2012-09-24 00:41:45
Retired? you're 21! Also, it's a shame Oni isn't finished yet, but you care about your fans (a little too much maybe ;)) and so your loyal fanbase will stay loyal and we will wait for your next update :)
Rock Candy77897783
2012-09-24 00:24:10
I have to see one to get a paper so I can get retired.
Rock Candy77887785
2012-09-24 00:23:11
I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your last fap. Maybe when you come back, I'll have other things finished too. Project X will probably be updated by then too.
Rock Candy77877786
2012-09-24 00:21:02
What the hell are you talking about?
Such a shame.
2012-09-23 23:48:21
RC's website has been seized by trolls and this information is fallacy. To avoid the trolls' amusement, just stop visiting RC's former site. Old RC website
2012-09-23 23:12:24
As of Monday, I should be leaving for boot camp. I'm joining the Air Force and if I pass this damn physical I will be gone for 5 months. Dude, you have made some incredible work despite the long wait and it sucks a little bit that Oni isn't done yet, but eh, at least you have kept up with the updates! I only post so much personal shet because it seemed relevant to the thought that I, a fairly loyal fan, am saying that the wait has been worth it for some quality art work (perverted or otherwise), even when I'm leaving for months without checking soon. Also, it stinks that Project X couldn't update once more before I leave, but those dolphin rape animations better be good when I get back! XD Good luck to everyone for the next couple months!
2012-09-23 22:21:29
As long as you don't let your quality standards dip bellow your previous work there can never be a problem. After all, life's all about improving and getting better and the only way to do that is by pushing your boundaries.
2012-09-23 21:27:53
I feel exactly the same way about people not liking it when I consider doing something big, that, and the thought that no one would see it. But I never get around to actually doing it. Also, your flashes and art style are all awesome. You shouldn't feel discouraged. By the way, why the psychiatrist?
2012-09-23 19:32:18
don't worry too much. if you do you'll end up getting stress sickness. but hey, just keep on trying if it isnt good so what, you've earned our respect for sticking to it this long .