Hi hi, this week has been pretty messy. I have been fixing and poking around with my new computer, trying to get used to the new keyboard, and I and Raz has been looking all over the internet for EarthBound/MOTHER music to create a giant collection torrent some day, maybe. We have found a lot of rare music, yup yup.

I and Mittsies also made some progress on Onihole, though we ran into some stupid glitch that I have to fix up before we can continue.

I did however finish a non-adult flash. I have quite a few of those in queue, so I should try to finish those up soon. Gyah, I have a lot of things waiting to be finished, gah.

Anyway, enough of my rambling, here's the stuff:
Turdy's Temporary Insanity,with a script not originally written by me... But by FlashMasterXD.
He also made fanart: Knify Zu

There's also fanart from Devin Jones:
Zu in a lake of tentacles, in her maid dress.
Zu in the same situation, but naked.
Personally, I always love me some Zu.

Fanart from Guodzilla as well!
Game of Pool!

Hopefully I will get back on track soon, with flashes and writing and so on. Mmh.
2012-08-05 16:42:44
Rock Candy
Comments (24)
Mr. Rifkin
2012-08-05 20:30:45
Toast Man
2012-08-05 20:24:13
look in the addreess bar where it says 2010. change it to 210. fixed
Mr. Rifkin
2012-08-05 19:34:48
Fun Fact: The picture of zoo in the tentacle lake, only naked, is currently a big 404. Perhaps you could look into fixing that? As for Onihole: still eagerly awaiting, although the "okay, it'll be out next week" line I've been telling myself is not doing it for me as well as it did. If you could show some kind of ridiculously technical explanation for what the hold up is, I would be very appreciative. Literally posting a various line in the coding would be preferable than a vague "glitch." Thanks a million!
2012-08-05 19:33:03
I've got a theory that RC and Mittsies are going to pull another one of these with Onihole, laugh at our dismay, and close down the site for good. Also, I'd thought, ever since I'd seen it, that Zu triple was RC's greatest work too...