well fuck
Crosstail flash is finished, please go shake it out:

Onihole is going to be delayed for a while longer. While I finished up everything I could do with it, Mittsies is currently busy finishing a flash project of his own, so Onihole has to wait until he has finished that.

While waiting, I also made the Crosstail flash everyone's been waiting for, and that's why this update became a little late. I was working on it and forget to update...
The Crosstail Flash is also finished and is waiting for being scripted as well, so double the fun when he gets to it, I guess.

Anyway, I got two flashes and a picture from FlashmasterXD, so this update wasn't all flash-less after all!

The mystery behind Zoo's changing haircolor is solved!!
A quickie about pulling a prank on Death...
And the picture:
Another "Oops!"

So all we have to do now, is to play the waiting game.

I was going to make a trade & collab with Besped, but he seems to have vanished for the moment.


Well I guess that leaves me with some time to write some on the character bios, which I have not done in quite a while....
2012-06-25 10:19:17
Rock Candy
Comments (40)
2012-06-27 01:36:49
Where does Mittsies upload his/her flashes?
2012-06-26 21:01:58
Oh trust me it is. This flash is actually going to be better than much of Zone's work. I know this, because I have been helping RC in my own special way. This is gonna be his best work yet. I guarantee it.
2012-06-26 16:32:41
ok since cross tails is out then what about Onihole is it coming out sometime today?
2012-06-26 15:43:26
Dude, this Onihole just gotta be the epickest shit ever... I LOVE YOU MAN!
2012-06-26 11:14:21
You tell him :p. Let the waiting game continue.
Rock Candy70297028
2012-06-26 07:40:02
So you want a garbled mess of graphics and soundclips playing all at once? You better sit down and wait for Mittsies to code this beast.
2012-06-26 07:38:20
if it's done, upload it. There's no point in waiting. We can play Onihole while we wait for Mittsies. I'm losing faith D:
2012-06-25 18:17:23
ive been waiting months for this. pls just release it already im losing hope
2012-06-25 16:41:37
Does mittsies have a site like you do?
not even surpised...
2012-06-25 15:23:03
Onihole delayed again?... Big fuckin surprise...smh...(shake my head)
2012-06-25 14:36:29
Ah alright, well that's a good thing in my opinion. Anyways thanks for clearing that up, looking forward to seeing it when mittsies finishes scripting it.
Rock Candy70177016
2012-06-25 14:34:07
If I wouldn't feel fine about it I wouldn't make it! But I've had many people asking, so don't be surprised if I add it somewhere.
2012-06-25 14:31:46
Gauging how people react, or how you feel about it after? Fair enough, kudos either way.
Rock Candy70157014
2012-06-25 14:30:23
It is. It'll probably come around, I guess. I don't really have any plans on it now, but we'll see.
2012-06-25 14:27:34
All the crosstail things thus far are homosexual. Do you plan on making any other homosexual flashes (I'm assuming that's what the crosstail flash is)?
Rock Candy70137012
2012-06-25 14:26:20
Anything like what?
2012-06-25 14:25:38
You plan on making anything like it in the future? Or is this kind of a one time thing?
Rock Candy70117010
2012-06-25 14:23:51
Indeed it is quite short, but it should still satisfy some... I hope.
2012-06-25 14:12:59
Great news on the crosstail flash, but damn you finished it in one week? It must be pretty short.
2012-06-25 10:39:37
Well damn son, sounds like Mittsies needs a good old fashioned kick in the rear. Get er' done Mittsies!