Late Update
Sorry for being late with updating. I was so tired yesterday I went to bed early and forgot to update.

I don't have a lot to share anyway, just part 10 of Ellie and Zu Get Lost:
Written by Guodzilla.

As for me, I've gotten to the point where I have to start making the cumscene in Onihole. If you didn't know, it is often the hardest and most tedious part of the flash that you have to make, so I have been procastinating it for a while now, doing some other shit instead.

Not only that, but I also have to make a lot of frame-by-frame animation of small details like this:

And it takes so much time and it is so boring. Though it isn't very hard, at least.

Loooots of driplets. It probably doesn't look very impressive on a still shot, but I put a lot of work into this.

Ah, well, I woke up really early today and couldn't fall back to sleep so I'm kinda tired. I shall rest a bit and then try to work some moar...
2012-03-05 02:10:49
Rock Candy
Comments (25)
2012-03-05 15:33:10
its alright bra take your time
New Age Retro Hippy
2012-03-05 12:12:11
I love Goudzilla's stuff! I can hardly wait for the next chapter, I mean his writing is just AMAZING. No seriously, I LOVE his stuff. Fantastic artist too. Can I request that Goud includes some breast expansion and ass+hips expansion in the next chapter? Maybe La can work some magic on Za to make her tits grow and make her excessively voluptuous? ( We're talking sizes that puts Ellie to shame :P ) Perhaps Ellie can get a breast growth too? Some lactation would be wonderful. I would KILL to see this in the next chapter man, how you incorporate this would be interesting. That is if you'd be willing to fulfil this request in the next chapter haha. Keep it up Goud, you're the best and the best of luck to RC too.
2012-03-05 06:47:15
It looks fantastic, great detail. You are a great artist.
2012-03-05 04:24:29
I hope your able to finish your flash soon. There's two things I look forward to each week, your pics and flashes, and the new episodes of TheWalkingDead. :P Keep up the good work!
2012-03-05 03:14:41
I came to this.