Tentacles are so BORING to animate.
I've not worked a lot on the flash this week. I suddenly got the urge to play through EarthBound, so I'm currently doing that at the moment. Stupid wonderful game, being all awesome. Oh well, I'm near the end, so I should be back with working on flash soon.

I don't really have a lot to share this week, just two fanarts from Guodzilla.

Picture 1 & Picture 2!

Also, my Wii broke, so now I can't get distracted by playing Brawl all the time. I guess that's a good thing, but that's also what made me pick up EarthBound again.

I should go to sleep now. I need to get up early tomorrow... Today, I mean.
Bleh. I hate making tiny updates, but I really don't have anything else to talk about.

So, G'night~!
2012-02-05 18:36:03
Rock Candy
Comments (22)
Unbound Sins
2012-02-05 23:13:02
Tentacles are fucking awesome, just not when they are actually modelled after a normal dick... the best tentacles are surely when they look really monstrous, and just RAPE a girl... she is not meant to survive in the best ones... also, the best part about them are that sometimes the impregnation of the girl can take years, where she is just getting fucked to hell... do the tentacles more gross, and repulsive, make her FEAR the tentacle itself, and not just getting fucked by it... Also, getting fucked by the tentacle means that no matter what she gets pregnant, if its in her mouth, her ass, or (god forbid) her pussy, she gets pregnant... same thing about guys... I hope i at least have given you some ideas...
2012-02-05 22:59:59
But tentacles are the best! Especially when they pump lots of cum and eggs into a girl x3