Yeah, I'm slow at updating, I know. But there's not really that much you can show when you work with flashes and sprites and whatever.

Anyway. Let's start out with two (Actually three) new fan fictions!

Part 2 of 'The Black Light', written by Dragon Soul!
Download! (Old Format)

Remembering to Forget part 1, 2, 3 & 4.
This is all the parts of Remembering to Forget in one single file, so prepare for a long read!
Download! (Old Format)
Written by Triple Dots.

This is also the first story (That is made in parts) that is finished!
Contragutlations, Triple Dots!! :3

What else... Oh yeah.
New fanart made by DM DOKURO!

And now, for my work...

The new Zu made for Project X!

I've finished all animations for Stage 1 and recently started at Stage 2.
I uploaded two previews for you all so you know what you can expect~.


Tell me what you think~ :3
Zeta allowed me to change some of the animations to anal for Zu, so when the game comes out, you can enjoy watching Zu getting her ass plowed by the various enemies in the game!

Download link to game soon; a version with the new Zu implemented in it does not exist yet... :V
Although, the next version will (probably) be out soon, and the old Zu will be in that one. Unless I finish all of new Zu's animation, which is most unlikely.


Oh yeah, I scanned a picture too. Forgot about it for a long time, but finished it recently.

Katherine. A picture I drew for Wilizin.

I think that was all. ...Yeah.

Oh, and also check this topic in the forums for my Job List.
2011-05-15 05:28:35
Rock Candy
Comments (7)
Rock Candy33473342
2011-05-18 00:29:48
When the demo is released, probably. Why?
2011-05-17 19:49:23
so when can we get the new download of the game?!?!
Thatguy with PAPER!
2011-05-16 19:20:55
That Tentacle one looks painful feel bad for her but to be honest its really good keep up the good work :3
Rock Candy33143313
2011-05-16 05:32:32
It will still have the old Zu. She's a bit old and fugly looking, but she's there.
Black Merlin
2011-05-16 04:47:33
Ha! It's good to see you alive and working :D. But you're saying the new ProjectX will be without the new Za?! That's a downer! How, o cruel world, how I will be able to make my monthly Zu anal rapture?! Though on a more serious note, I was really counting on seeing those sprites of yours ;(.
2011-05-15 18:54:47
I guess I must be a sick fuck, because I actually like those sprite animations. Godammit Philip, you've ruined me.
Dragon Soul
2011-05-15 10:36:56
Sprites är mycket bra!