Looking for artist to draw Particle effects!
I'm looking for someone who is good at drawing particle effects, like tiny details such as snowflakes, fog, cinders, sparkles and similar things. Send me a message on either twitter or discord if you're interested!

I wish I had more to share with ya today, sorry I'm late by the way, but I've gotten caught up in some soul cleansing after the episode I had with the computer. Been working on the Yulia Comp winner's animation to get back into the workflow. I'm almost done with it, should have it ready by the end of the week. Would've been done sooner, but the Paper Mario TTYD remake came out and I've kinda been binging it.

Meanwhile, just taking in all of the things I gotta do for the HHHW update has been a bit overwhelming. I've gotten over it though and once the Yulia animation is done, I'll hop right to it!
2024-05-28 15:36:36
Comments (1)
2024-05-29 22:31:38
hey no worries take as long as you need, you give us all this amazing stuff for free the least we can do is show some patience.