Getting Closer.
Recordings are starting to drop in, finally, though I'm still lacking a few. But I'm getting closer, at least, and that's always positive. I've got two characters left that needs voice, and I'm just waiting for them to deliver at this point, so there's none that is empty, at least.

I'm not sure what happened this week. Things sort of... happened. I managed to squeeze out one drawing, but this long wait is starting to get to me. I need to work on something flash related again soon.

Zara's Love Coupons, a Valentine's thingy from Zara!

Expect more drawings from me next week at least. I've got a couple of requests I've been wanting to draw.
2018-02-18 21:01:36
Comments (13)
2018-02-25 08:47:30
second that longtime browser. love your shit.
Rock Candy1658216581
2018-02-23 04:32:39
ya, but at this point it's just waiting.
2018-02-23 00:20:18
im kinda glad it took so long actually just means there was more time to fine tune your amazing work
Rock Candy1656916566
2018-02-21 00:56:04
I forgot all about that, blah. We'll see if I manage to sketch something up in time for the next update.
Rock Candy1656816565
2018-02-21 00:55:09
No, since I'm not making any money off of the project myself, and that I don't have the funds for it. Voiceactors tend to be very expensive. I might have to with later projects though... It seems more reliable. If you're interested, contact me at: [email protected]
Rock Candy1656716564
2018-02-21 00:53:26
Nice to hear! I wish it wouldn't take so long, though, I really wanted this to be a quick project.
2018-02-20 21:52:56
Happy Birthday Zara! Hope the day brought you everything you wanted and us the Pictures of it! :D
Emo Queen
2018-02-20 21:35:55
Do you pay any for female voice actors. I myself am a confident sexy slut that could be inteesed in helping your work.
2018-02-20 19:12:08
Dude,i follow you since your first Zu hentai animation,i just wanted to thank you to make me love anal this much and also thanking you for all the hard work you put into your animations,few artists does that,you do and you're awesome for that . Thanks again and i'll wait any time given for any of your flash if you say that you will do it !(o w o )
Rock Candy1656216555
2018-02-20 07:14:48
Not really, it's like any other lipsync. I try to add humor to the lines, so it's not like they're things you'd hear in regular porn. I'm more focused on how to draw the mouth movement at this point, since it can be difficult to catch all the movement sometimes. Some pronouncinations are so quick or silent that it's not always easy to animate them in 24 fps.
Rock Candy1656116553
2018-02-20 07:11:38
Well, I already have 85% of the voiceacting done... It'd be stupid to do so now, me thinks. I'm getting there, though.
2018-02-19 14:03:40
How awkward is it to lip-sync porn lines? You have to listen to them over and over again, don't you get desensitized? Weirded out?
2018-02-19 11:57:58
just release it without the voice acting :U ...Captcha was POISSY OFFICE. THIS FLASH BETTER HAVE SUM VAGINA ACTION