Happy New Butts!
I hope you all had a neat New Year's. I had fun myself! Resulted in the further fuckings of my sleep rhythm though.

Anyway like I promised last year, here's that set of drawings I told you about!

It's a set of Sofi doing a crossover with PAYDAY2! Hooray, right?
Sofi's Solo Heist
Sofi's Solo Heist - Taser
Sofi's Solo Heist - Cloaker
Sofi's Solo Heist - Bulldozer
Sofi's Solo Heist - Captain Winters

It was fun and challenging to draw more realistic styled things. I avoided to draw any guns though, because... I'm just bad at that kinda stuff. I hope you enjoy it nonetheless.

There's also this thingy:
Sofi the Fannypack Shareware Version

Because Sofi can never get enough dick attention, it seems.

And since I had very few ideas of what to do with Zu's further costumes regarding her profile images, take this bonus thingy instead!
Delicious Brown Zu
Would fuck, ya? I know ya would!

And I finished up Ellie's costumes finally!
Ellie in winter clothes

That means I've only got Sixten and Psycho Girl to finish up! Hooray, I'm almost done with these, after who knows how long...

I also recieved a Sixten doodle from a Cadabra!
Very rare to get Sixten fanarts! So it is nice to see some once in a while! This one reminds me of Jerry Seinfeld though, something with the face... Just reminds me of that.

But alright. Let's talk about 2016. The first half seemed to just disappear from me. I was in some sort of depression state. Made a single short flash. Then I started up Zu & Zeta's Zoological Zone. I wanted it to be a short project, but it turned out to taking a whole lot longer than I expected. Mostly because I thought a simple thing was actually THE most complicated thing. Or at least, tediuos thing. I also got a fling of inspiration and wanted to make easter eggs for the flash! I got so inspired that I actually made the whole easter egg part BEFORE the main event.

And just when I finished it, my harddrive died. Everything on it was lost. But luckily, I had put that easter egg part in my dropbox for coding purposes, so it made it through unscathed. Incredible luck, for once. If I had lost all of that... I don't think I'd ever want to make anything else ever again. Is enough to make me shudder.

The things I did lost within the main project was just a little bit of basic animation and a new pose for Zu, which I had taken a lot of screenshots of. It was just for me to trace it back up again. I've made quite some progress on it since then, but I hit a point where I just wasn't sure if things looked good enough in motion; I need coding to check if the thing actually animates well. Continuing before I know that would be quite terrible if it turned out I needed to reanimate stuff in the middle of all the progress.

It was at that point that I noticed that it is very difficult to get ahold of people who know to code things in AS3! Since the beginning of december I've been waiting for my main coder to become free enough from school to be able to do some coding for me. So all I can do is wait at this point, and make like... Improvements to side stuff or work on other projects. That's how the ZZZZ situation is like.

And then we've got Butt Bus. A flash I've talked a lot about, ya? Well, since I've decided to made the jump from game-style to movie-style a lot of details have changed. Most noteable is that I plan on using characters from people who've supported and made fan art or similiar things for me. The second thing is that I'll be able to use a lot of more creativity with it! I plan on giving each character a cameo fucking Zara, either solo or with others, depending on what kind of character they are. I've also written up a little script for this... I think I might be overdoing it again, but I guess I'll have to be more efficient on making each scene simple but impactful. And if it turns out to be too much, I'll have to try cut things out and rework parts.

But I need to finish ZZZZ before I start with that! Which will PROBABLY take quite a while at this pace. I hope the time it takes will make it so that it's a good flash, though...

And to further pad out my workpace, I want to make a little collab flash with a certain person for a certain holiday. Using a character that's seldom seen in flashes. Just to get something out in the near future... But we'll see how that goes!

Other things to mention... Remember how I asked about music for ZZZZ? Only one of the four or so people offering their musical talents actually went through with their offer. The one track I got is really good though! So if there's anybody else up for the task, do tell me so! I need at least one more track for the flash, since I want a different track from the easter egg part and the main part.

I can't think of anything else of value to say right now. So I hope this puts some light on what's been going on during last quarter of 2016. And yea I know I'm one day late with the update, but I was really tired yesterday.

So for now, have a jolly time! I'mma go and... Do stuff, I guess.
2017-01-02 19:39:15
Comments (19)
Rock Candy1564915646
2017-01-11 06:31:48
Really? Really. OKay then, let's see. "No semi artist and computer program with a hentai addition, the amount of work I blast threw in a week is amence, this site is slow process and withering." This is what you wrote. Let's look at the first part. "No semi artist and computer program with a hentai addition" To begin with, what does this even mean in context? Did you mean to say computer programmer? With a hentai addiction? Or are you talking about yourself, as in "No, I am a semi artist and computer programmer who also happens to like hentai"? It's just broken and confusing which ever way you look at it. Then we have "the amount of work I blast threw in a week is amence". "Threw" should be "through". "Amence" isn't even a word. What you meant to say is "Immense". "this site is slow process and withering" An accurate description would be that I am processing slowly and that the site is withering. There are your spelling mistakes. And what does spelling have to do with "doing better in life"? That's highly subjective anyway. I wouldn't want my life any other way than it is now. Well, I'm doing free work for worms. Well at least, one worm, you. Would you rather pay for what I do? I could set up a paywall for you if you want to throw money at me. Since that's how life works, according to you. And continuing from your other comment: "So your going to be lazy and just get some other sorry sod to do your work? And hate to break it to you, but googling coding isn't the way your going to grow your coding skills, try four years at university " It's "You're", not "your". You're even contradicting yourself. I'm lazy for not learning how to code, but then learning coding through google isn't the way to do it. Why would I go through four years at university for somethinig I'm not even remotely interested in? I've already dropped out of school, so that's not even possible anyway. So you can't say I'm lazy for not learning, when I apparently can't according to you. I've always teamed up with a guy who knows coding to do flashes, this isn't news to anybody. Why are you even bringing this up? You've got a "I'm so better than you" attitude, but you've got nothing to show for it. Coming here spewing barely comprehensive nonsense and being demeaning is what you do. For no other reason than "Hey, you work pretty slowly", apparently. Why does this bother you? Can't get it up to anything else, or what? There's plenty of other stuff to enjoy while I do my thing. Rubigolibera is completely right, you do lack in the mental capacity department. Maybe try stock up on some of that the next time you decide to write a comment. If you want to act high and mighty, perhaps you should try to not come across as a bumbling moron. Somehow, I doubt that you wont. The next time you type up something stupid, I'll just delete your comment and be done with it.
2017-01-10 18:30:18
So your going to be lazy and just get some other sorry sod to do your work? And hate to break it to you, but googling coding isn't the way your going to grow your coding skills, try four years at university
2017-01-10 18:24:55
Where are my spelling mistakes ? And if so, how come I've done better in life than you? haha .im selfish for not doing free for work for worms? Sorry mate but life just doesn't work that way..
2017-01-08 19:09:28
The Ellie's costume reminds to the evil woman fron 101 Dalmatians The brown Zu is...dirty Zu with oil
Rock Candy1562915628
2017-01-08 18:30:37
Because, I can't code at all. I am completely retarded when it comes to doing coding. I'm pretty sure most of the stuff I need is more tedius than complicated, but I've tried looking at old code to see if I can make something out of it. It's incomprehensible. Yeah, I'm sure I could learn coding if I tried hard enough, though I doubt it'd go fast. I'd have to sacrifice a lot of animation and drawing time to do that, and I'm not sure it's worth that, considering I've never even had any interest in doing anything that isn't drawing. I'd only get frustrated and give up. And send me some samples if you want to. If you don't read this, I suppose I'll have to send an email and ask for some.
2017-01-08 15:25:20
While scabbers seems to lack some mental capacity, he brings up a point which i've thought about some times too. Why do you need seperate "coder guys" for your projects anyways? Not to be mean or too demanding or anything, I suffer from the same kind of "depressive phases" you talk about where i just can't get anything done so i understand your standpoint at least a little bit. Have you tried teaching yourself AS3 before? How complex is the stuff you want to do anyways? Maybe look at the code in older flashes you did where you got help to kind of backwards engineer what was done in them. It sounds like a tough thing to do but once you roughly know how to do stuff you wont ever need to wait for people to finish coding again. Its not like you need to learn the entire language. Just google for the bits that you want to do. In any case, the stuff you do is always of amazing quality. So its worth it to wait. By the way, I dont really want to mention it since I'm kind of garbage but I do music as a hobby. Im not sure if id be able to help out since the aforementioned depressive phases happen mostly when something is expected of me. If you want to ask me something just shoot me a mail i guess.
some hecking lad
2017-01-05 21:00:11
Rockcandy I want you to know you are such a mvp m8 for your work. A lot of people love your work, including me. you are doing the lords work.
Rock Candy1562315622
2017-01-05 16:05:50
I can read, you can't spell. So you're both selfish and a cunt. Good to know, then I wont waste my time with you again.
2017-01-05 15:52:30
Oh my , even takes you awhile read my comment , well at least you've got excuse for not being able to read well, retard. And nah, wouldn't be very efficient doing free work for other people when I've got my own work.
Rock Candy1561915618
2017-01-04 13:09:41
Took a while to decipher your comment. Have I ever claimed I'm a fast worker? Why don't you learn AS3 and help me out then, since you're so fast? And you still didn't answer; what does it take for you to not see something as an "excuse"?
2017-01-04 12:51:53
No semi artist and computer program with a hentai addition, the amount of work I blast threw in a week is amence, this site is slow process and withering.
Rock Candy1561515613
2017-01-03 16:53:58
I'd consider doing some sort of alternative skin color thingy, but for most projects, it is going to be somewhat difficult to include, at least if there is a lot of frame by frame animation.
Rock Candy1561415612
2017-01-03 16:52:23
So what does it take for you to not see something as an "excuse"? Are you some sort of flash master?
2017-01-03 16:21:33
Oh my gosh, I love the dark-skinned Zu. I would love to see her featured in a future flash. Or at least more drawings!
2017-01-03 16:09:36
I've not commented on this for a good year, but I all ways come for a noisy , and all I see if excuses for flashes, Jesus man just shut the fuck up about unfinished projects and your laziness towards it. Your like a shitty wood joiner who's taking months to finish someone's decking and making excuses, it's gotten boring now.
Rock Candy1561115610
2017-01-03 11:22:41
Didn't I explain enough?
2017-01-03 11:20:53
Whatever happened to butt bus?
Rock Candy1560815602
2017-01-03 07:41:05
That's the Cloaker, not the Taser.
2017-01-02 21:50:50
Now you got to make one with them all gangbanging her and the Taser saying and quote "we call this a difficulty tweak"