A week of moping around
My harddrive is unsalvageable by any conventional means. Only way to maybe get back my lots files is to send it to some HHD specialist service for a very expensive sum. I'm not sure it's worth it though. Here's a little list of my most important, or rather most saddening, losses:

Several recent art project files, specifically all of Sixten's Profile Images were lost.
4 hours of funny gameplay videos I planned on making a highlight reel out of. Mostly Payday 2 stuff.
My recent organizing of my music folder, and many of my difficult to find music files.

Is it worth up to 6000 kr to get these back, as well as having some nerds go through all the bizarre things I've made and saved onto this harddrive? I'm not sure. It's sad to lose the stuff and it sucks to have to redo a lot of work, but the thing I had worked most on I had put in my dropbox folder, so I was lucky this thing didn't happen a week earlier. Otherwise I'd probably never recover from a crippling depression of losing all that stuff. Blurf.

What this means for ZZZZ is that... I'll have to redo some very basic animation and redraw the new Zu. It's not going to be fun, but tomorrow I'll have to begin with that all over again. At least I took several screenshots and stuff so I can trace them. I was really satisfied with that Zu!

Now, I've received a lot of comments telling me get a patreon or something so that you can support me or just be nice. I've had it looked into it, and I don't think it's a very good solution. After taxes and various cuts, I'll only be left with like maybe 50% of the actual amount donated. That feels like such a huge waste of money, and I wouldn't want that. An alternative site we found was Flattr, a swedish site more suited for people from europe. The % cut when using this site is smaller, but I'm not sure if people would be willing to sign up there. Patreon seems to be more popular.

I've also decided to take your advice on using some sort of cloud service to store my projects on. I've looked into Dropbox Pro/Business. A terrabyte of space for 100 kr a month seems like a very reasonable price.

Anyway, since I've not really felt like working with flash during the week, I did some other things instead. Let me begin with this funny thing I saw while browsing the webs; Link to the tweet I made about it!
I'll be interested in seeing if anybody else sees something similiar!

For real though, I've spent the last days sketching and drawing. Here are some things that I managed to get done!
Dicked Doctor, a collage of Ellie getting dicked in the ass!
And since it's the beginning of spooctober, here's a bunch of Lollo drawings!
Let's have it! In the mouth!
Dickgirl Lollo is a somebody you don't want to get too close to if you enjoy your butthole intact.
No tricks involved, or are there? You'll never know until you stick it in.
Exercise Routine. It's not Lollo who's going to exercise, it's probably going to be you.
Lollo Throatfuck, a tad unrealistic perhaps, but I can't ALWAYS be expected to follow my own rules...
One at a Time, Please! It's most likely going to feel better if you don't cram both of them in at the same time!
And the last piece is a colored piece of fanart I made.
Princess Buttsex Colored! Colored by the person who received it!

Other than drawing, I've tried my best to finish Ellie's backstory. I think I've made enough progress to consider it somewhat finished, but I'm still waiting on the final touches to be made. However, I can probably show it to you at this point, since it is fully readable and all.
Have a read and tell me what you all think!
Ellie's Backstory
Ellie has received a lot of changes through the course of writing this. The most important points being how her healing ability works, her age and profession and her fertility. But perhaps the most noticable part for those of you who don't particurarly care about the story behind her, is that she's going to lose her little hat from now on.

And since Lollo came up, I also typed up a little something that explains how her magic wand came to be. I don't remember if I actually showed Lollo's updated backstory before, but it's part of the document, so you can enjoy that too if you have not read it yet.
Lollo's Backstory + Wand Backstory
Nothing too drastic here, I think. But I'd still like to hear what you all think.

Another thing I had lying about since last week is this finished image of Sixten's fully clothed profile image:
Sixten Profile Image 3
I didn't post it since I was a bit upset at the time. Now I still have to redraw the whole thing from scratch, which is a little discouraging. But at least there's tracing aspect... Now's the perfect time to tell me if anything looks off though, since I'll have an easier time making any changes from scratch instead of editing the image.

Lastly, I received a piece of fanart! The only thing that cheered me up while I was moping during the week; Lollo with a dick made by Hamster-Gax. Thank you.

This newspost got a bit longwinded, eh? I didn't mean for it to be. It's nearing 8 in the morning, and I should go to bed soon, or what do you say? Hoahoa.
I realize I asked you all to respond to a lot of different things in today's update, but I like hearing feedback from the fans. I feel it is necessary to make the right decisions. So please do, even if it's only about one of the subjects!

Good nights and I wish you a happy spooctober!
2016-10-02 22:56:57
Comments (18)
2016-10-09 19:01:04
Hey, seeming as your the one who corrects everyone on their grammar , well it's sort of ironic seeming as on the open page where it says WELCOME you've not worded your sentence properly , it's says...Here you'll find various things I've over the years! , things I've over the years? Huh
Rock Candy1528215281
2016-10-05 22:07:48
Don't think the same brands are sold here in Sweden, though. As for online storage; I already got dropbox pro.
2016-10-05 19:09:45
Also! I highly recommend Silicon Power brand external rugged HDDs. You can get them off Amazon. I have 3 myself and they are 3-5 years old and still going strong, unlike that one shitty Seagate I had that died after 12 months...
2016-10-05 19:07:27
Mega.co.nz is free and they give you 50GB. You can pay for more if you really need it.
Rock Candy1527115269
2016-10-04 22:30:41
The harddrive doesn't spin up. I've already tried everything availible to me.
2016-10-04 21:38:05
Possible fix?
2016-10-04 19:15:14
What's wrong with your hd? Try putting it on someone elses computer that already has an hd by plugging in the power supply and the other thing you put on regular hd's to see what's in it. Then look in your "My computer" and transfer the files manually to the computers main hd. If you didn't understand what I said let me know I'll try to figure out the correct words xD
Rock Candy1526815267
2016-10-04 18:04:25
This only covers her background story. The other bits will still be in the final thing.
2016-10-04 16:18:51
Ellie's bio is pretty solid. The only things I miss is a few examples for what she likes/ dislikes and why she does so, what motivates her in her career and personal life, and some basic points about how she sees other people and the world in general. I know that some of this info is in their bios, but since your characters have pretty long histories behind them, it would be easier for people who may use them in stories to just look at a reference sheet about their most defining characteristics, instead of going through the whole story every time they need to look up something. If I remember correctly, you had something like this in the older biographies, and it was really useful. Another thing I like is that you written about her experience with sexuality very briefly this time. That's good in my opinion, because you explain her "hedgehog 's dilemma" without too much unnecessary details on the events leading to it. Those events can be detailed in separate stories if you want to. All in all, good job, man.
Rock Candy1526615265
2016-10-04 13:45:40
That's what I was talking about.
The Carrotshaped One
2016-10-04 11:26:13
What about the Zzzz-flash you were working on?
Rock Candy1526415263
2016-10-04 07:02:06
I have not begun with Butt Bus. So there's nothing to lose there.
2016-10-04 01:35:02
so that means that Butt Bus is gone forever? or you managed to back it up as well? i hope you did because it could be such a shame if that went gone as well, but i think you are a pretty inteligent pal and that isnt the case here so forget about that XD I hope you can manage to get this things sorted out, i mean you already got things handled already so i hope for the best dude, i know how is to get things not working or failing and lost everything or almost everything and feeling down and without any kind of energy to do even a sketch. So yeah, hang in there buddy! i know you can make it through! if i can you can as well.
Rock Candy1526115259
2016-10-03 16:57:52
Half of the donated money would go to a bunch of different companies and stuff, that's what I meant by wasting them.
2016-10-03 16:39:00
Cheer up buddy, everything will be fine, if you want do it we can wait. About the patreon stuff, i really dont think it will be a waste of money, sure you maybe will have extra bucks, but thats something good dont ya think? buying stuff that you want or need...idk is up to you...
Rock Candy1525615251
2016-10-03 09:25:11
Already got an external one, so I'm good on that front.
2016-10-03 04:53:37
as long as the butt fucking keeps getting made I'll be happy. Don't be discouraged!
2016-10-03 02:18:33
Sad that things had to turn out like this :/ but hey at least you got the dropbox account now another thing that would be smart to invest in is an external harddrive just in case your internet goes out and your not able to access online you can just use that and as a plus its just another place to keep your things safe.