Spooky update
What's so spooky about the update?
I'll let ya take a look for yerselves!

Haffy brfday!
What a mess!!
Demanding Ellie!
The Volunteer

Them frontbutts sure are spooky! I made them with Guodzilla in mind, who's been writing Ellie and Zu Get Lost for a very long time! The final chapter(s) have sadly been delayed due to personal business, but I still think he deserves a bunch o' stuff for keeping at it for so long! And since he likes frontbutts more than regular butts, this is how it turned oooout!

I now have a craving of drawing some really good buttsmut with that butt of hers, though...

There's also this, which I drew today!
Witches n' Demons
It's... Beleth and Sofi, big surprise, eh?

And I also recieved a colored piece of my own art!
Miles and Zara Colored!
I think the guy who made it is called "Lost", but I'm unsure. Anyhow, very thanks!

As for what most of ya are probably wondering about, how's the Halloween flash doing?!
Well, I've finished all artsy stuff at this point. Now I just gotta get my butt together and find me some sounds and music and voices before it is too late! And, also hope that Mittsies doesn't kill himself. Ye, he's on the codan part this time. Apparently he didn't like how I built it. Seemed logical to me, but I'm no coder so...

In any case, it'll probably be done by Halloween. If I can't get all the sounds I need in time, I think I'll just go with it being soundless. We'll see how it goes.

Good nights everybody!
2015-10-25 19:06:51
Comments (10)
The Pharoah
2015-10-30 20:15:19
I can not wait. You're one of the best Rock Candy. Have you ever considered making money off of your work? https://www.patreon.com/user?u=108351&ty=h&u=108351 Even though you're mostly solo, you're way more deserving than this team that makes 30k+ a month of their "game". I'd hurt myself if you went full time with your flashes. Even seasonal releases would do fine.
2015-10-30 10:30:16
So do you plan on releasing the flash on Sunday or tomorrow for Halloween itself?
Rock Candy1425514254
2015-10-27 15:34:37
Besped apparently has no monitor. So I'm still holding off that thing. The other guy's been absent for quite some time. I don't know how it's gonna turn out. Maybe there will be something, maybe there wont. Worst case scenario I'll reskin them and release 'em anyway.
2015-10-27 12:55:41
did the guys for those trade flashes ever get back to you? i already assumed besped probably wouldn't but nothing from the other person either? just wanted to know if those projects were scrapped or if they would see the light of day sometime in the future
2015-10-26 15:13:22
Hey, worse comes to worst you could always release it on the quiet, then if people are interested enough add some sounds in a later update? That could work right? Maybe? I dunno, either way, good stuff!
2015-10-26 10:28:19
Yo! Remember to always backup your work inside a pendrive or external HDD you never know when a virus or system deadly bug can attack T-T Thanks for sharing your amazing work as always :3
Rock Candy1424514234
2015-10-26 04:23:52
Like I said, he's been going through lots of personal stuff.
Rock Candy1424414241
2015-10-26 04:22:51
I cannot work on two projects at one. It is still actual.
2015-10-25 23:38:15
what ever happened to butt bus??
2015-10-25 19:28:24
i have curiosity to know: will Guodzilla done Z&Egl some day? he desappeared since 2012 he still there?