Sofi at church
I live next to a church now, so it lended me some inspiration for these humoristic sketches.
2014-04-22 09:40:45
Comments (23)
2015-05-31 07:59:21
I'm aware this is a year after the fact...but jesus fuck that was stupid as all hell
Capt. RaM
2014-05-01 11:17:44
Comedy gold right here. Thanks RC.
the creep
2014-04-30 13:24:15
Thank you. And I forgave you because I wanted to. I don't forgive my own family as much as I should.
Rock Candy1120611205
2014-04-29 15:17:54
You forgive me because you have to, instead of want to, then? It doesn't really matter yo, you don't bother me much. 's OKay.
the creep
2014-04-29 15:04:56
You know what? My beleif wants it's followers to forgive others, and I forgive you, RC. I'm also sorry Ithat I acted like a jerk.
Rock Candy1119111189
2014-04-28 02:41:54
Good. At least it's good for pornstuff.
2014-04-27 17:54:22
An apatheist is someone who is not interested in accepting or denying any claims that gods exist or do not exist. In other words, an apatheist is someone who considers the question of the existence of gods as neither meaningful nor relevant to their life. Because they don’t care about religion, apatheists are usually considered as atheists.
Rock Candy1118511183
2014-04-27 13:54:25
Never heard of it.
2014-04-27 11:23:08
I'd say you're an apatheist (a little different from Atheism).
Rock Candy1118211181
2014-04-27 10:52:24
I don't really care. I guess atheist in that case, eh?
2014-04-27 08:17:19
Do you feel more as an atheist or an agnostic?
Rock Candy1118011176
2014-04-27 01:35:19
I don't believe in anything.
2014-04-26 17:44:39
I'm a christian but this doesn't offend me. I know that some will sadly try to reinterpret their beliefs so they can abuse from it. I appreciate those who denounce those kind of atrocities. Personally, what is your beliefs RC?
2014-04-24 12:41:14
Why does this remind me of that one heavily Christian comment from "A Painful Therapy Session"? :v
the creep
2014-04-24 11:19:20
I like porn, not rape.
2014-04-24 01:25:42
I find it hard to believe that a 'christian' that visits this site regularly would find this 'offensive'. I mean, if ones that religious, why would they even visit a site thats all about blow-jobs and sodomy? Oh wait...
Rock Candy1115811155
2014-04-23 16:13:46
So you represent all the christian people in the world? Or is that just what you wish your beliefs are supposed to represent? Still, you're here, on this site that mostly deals with anal rape... So perhaps it's not too far away from the truth?!
the creep
2014-04-23 14:24:55
Because I AM a Christian, and we at LEAST don't rape people.
Rock Candy1115311151
2014-04-23 13:57:15
How do you know
the creep
2014-04-23 12:05:55
Unless this is a Mormon priest, Christians don't do this.