Leavin' for the week
In my preparations for my trip today, I completely forgot to update the site! Well, here's a quickie before I go!

Sixten had his birthday recently, so I drew this picture for him!
I bet he wishes this would actually happen to him!

I also got two pieces of fanarts!
First one's from Daniel!
Princess and the Pauper

And the second one is a colored drawing of mine from Cinndire.
Psycho Girl's Birthday Picture

I also made some changes to the Sixten profile pictures. I hope they look better now, if not, be sure to shout at me again.
Sixten 1
Sixten 2
Sixten 3

I think that was all...
I'mma post the next update when I get back home. See ya then!
2015-07-06 04:58:14
Comments (2)
2015-07-07 21:13:32
Yep, that did it...
2015-07-06 18:57:10
The Sixten profile pix are looking much better. :D