Sofi masturbating, drawn by Cinndrie! Three hidden Yo! are in the picture, are you good enough to find them?
And who knows what Sofi is thinking about?
And who knows what Sofi is thinking about?
2014-05-19 08:11:27
Comments (4)
2014-05-21 22:19:05
The last Yo! is in the bottom plug socket :3
2014-05-20 00:11:33
I'm going to assume she's thinking of being 3-Dimensional and actually being able to touch herself....instead of us fapping to her and just seeing a line stigment in the mirror/
2014-05-19 17:49:11
Whoops, I totally forgot that I put a Yo! in the braid! That means there are actually three in this image...
2014-05-19 15:07:38
One of the Yo!s is on the pillow to the right, and the other one is near the top of her braid to the left.