EAZGL Part 10
Part 10. Do I even have to say anything by this point?

Written by Guodzilla.

2012-03-05 01:58:10
Comments (2)
2012-03-07 13:05:26
Thanks! ^_^ If I can't use your suggestions in this fanfic, I promise I'll use them in another, soon!
New Age Retro Hippy
2012-03-05 18:22:13
I posted this in the news section too, but i hope you get a chance to see it Goudzilla. I love Goudzilla's stuff! I can hardly wait for the next chapter, I mean his writing is just AMAZING. No seriously, I LOVE his stuff. Fantastic artist too. Can I request that Goud includes some breast expansion and ass+hips expansion in the next chapter? Maybe La can work some magic on Za to make her tits grow and make her excessively voluptuous? ( We're talking sizes that puts Ellie to shame :P ) Perhaps Ellie can get a breast growth too? Some lactation would be wonderful. I would KILL to see this in the next chapter man, how you incorporate this would be interesting. That is if you'd be willing to fulfil this request in the next chapter haha. Keep it up Goud, you're the best and the best of luck to RC too.