Here's a present for you. Sadly, it can't be opened, so I'll just tell you what it is: A nice little Crosstail flash!!
But it's not worked on JUST yet. I wanna see your interest in this concept by votes and comments!
But it's not worked on JUST yet. I wanna see your interest in this concept by votes and comments!
2011-11-27 10:59:57
Comments (22)
2011-11-28 14:59:12
Well, I've seen, some of your Crosstail's pictures, they are quite interesting. A flash may be a good one. I can call it something "new" in thsi web-site, and I like new stuff hahaha,,, so, I'm looking forward to see it. ^^
2011-11-28 14:11:11
it's a tentacle-fucked zu flash supprise