Comment #9979
The Creep
Request Box
2013-11-05 10:38:08

This is a reply to a comment and its comment thread.

Parent comment: 9978

Sorry about the yelling... its just that this guy is only for your stuff, not mine. Also, he's basically a male Za, except he's got brown hair like Zu. So please in some consideration on this. I beg of you!
Rock Candy99869979
Request Box
2013-11-05 11:41:11
Well, I already got a Zara, a male copy wouldn't be very interesting. If you really want it, why not try write some fan ficiton?
The Creep
Request Box
2013-11-06 15:34:37
I don't have time. I've got school, chores, and other stuff, so I can't do fan stuff. I'll help with some things that make him different from Za, but I'm not good with character development, so you've just got a request. So use him in anything you want!
Rock Candy99979996
Request Box
2013-11-06 16:59:00
Well, I still don't need a new character. So I'll have to decline.