Comment #9861
Rock Candy98619857
2013-09-16 03:27:39

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Parent comment: 9857

The corruption happens after I save. It works fine until I open the project the next day.
2013-09-16 10:40:00
yes, and this method has two save files. A and B. you save once to A, then after some work you save to B, then after more work you save to A again. the next day A is corrupt, but you still the only a little older B still working. and depending on the nature of the corruption you could end up missing no work at all. redundancy is good for important files.
Rock Candy98659864
2013-09-16 11:45:33
But I already am keeping and making backups. I fail to see the difference... The only difference now was that I hadn't made one in a while due to working on it for a lengthy time without saving.