Comment #9787
0 < Discussions
02013-09-05 11:21:43
and completely out of subject but i have taken your "angry Za" drawing and added a few things to it and would love to show you it. but am unsure of how to do such a thing on the computer so it is on paper. i hope you arent angry at me for doing so.
Rock Candy97899787
02013-09-05 14:53:58
Eh? With a camera or a scanner. Also, if you want to speak more, try the forum.
02013-09-06 12:01:47
eh like when your talking and your getting just a little bit irritated with the subject.
Rock Candy97949793
02013-09-06 13:18:56
This isn't a good place for conversation, if you want to speak, please go to the forum. That's what I'm trying to say here.
This is a reply to a comment and its comment thread.
Parent comment: 9786