Comment #9779
0 < Request Box
Request Box
02013-09-05 07:15:55
eh when i can afford a car i'll drive up to where u are then i'll help out there how's that sound?
Rock Candy97819779
Request Box
02013-09-05 09:31:04
You don't need to be at my side to help out. You can work at home.
Request Box
02013-09-05 10:49:02
i preffer being able to help quick as possible wich meens living in the same city would help. but if you think it's best to stay i'll respect your judgement i just don't know a whole lot about computers. i'd preffer to hand you my drawings and help out around your house like clean and such so you don't have to worry about it. i try to be a good friend/coworker.
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Parent comment: 9775