Comment #9745
2013-09-02 07:06:18
The problems of an artist! I kind of feel I know where you are coming from and do hope you'll be able to handle all that stuff. Artists get themselves involved in a lot of way, even more if they are actually popular. Also, looking through old stuff envokes similar feelings for me. I look back at my old flash series which I never managed to resume afterward. In retrospect it sucks on so many levels (yet kinda nostalgic) and with what I can do nowadays I wish I had the time to continue it...
Rock Candy97469745
2013-09-02 09:39:45
It's horrible, really. I'd try to round up a team or something that could work on a project, but I don't know many people who can do flash, haohoa. I don't like my old flashes though, they all suck...
2013-09-02 11:30:49
Well, I think it's okay to think about it this way. If you look at your old works and see how much you've improved over time, that is worth something! I'd offer to look into things, if you ever considered... err, 'branching out'. Sadly I have never gotten beyond the point of using sprites from videogames for animations, so I wouldn't be of any help! That and I am too invested in roleplay and RL. But I did consider trying out things again someday... some other day! Hope you have a nice week!
Rock Candy97489747
2013-09-02 14:09:30
I guess that is true. Branching out? Well I'd mostly need artist help, as I do have a few people to help out with the coding and stuff. Well I'll see you that other day then!