Comment #9516
0 < Discussions
2013-07-09 14:27:42
yes! someone finnaly understands that anal is superior to vaginal!
so shut up and take my respect
2013-09-05 11:12:17
dipsy you could try not being so rude. some people like vaginal sex. and some like butt ses. i personaly like oral. but that doesnt meen i'm stupid or anyone else is. it just meens they have an opinion. and as human biengs we are entiteled to our opinions. so please be more considerate the next time you post something. i just figured out what i am telling you a few weeks ago. so i know what i am talking about when i say this. please stop. sincerely jacob.
2013-09-05 11:13:01
i misspelled sex. i apollogize.