Comment #9322
Rock Candy93229321
2013-06-04 09:05:20

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Parent comment: 9321

The reason I left was because I wanted to make a game with Zu and her butt as the main characters! And I couldn't do that while making sprites for Project X at the same time; it'd become too much! So ye, you have that to look forward to instead! if you're lucky, it'll have the same demorelease date as Project X, hoahoa.
2013-06-04 09:15:22
Well, that's not comforting because Project X releases are VERY RARE XD. So I'm actually hoping it's one of the things you actually *won't* learn from them XD But yes, Zu's butt is a thing I'm certainly looking forward too :inyouknowwhatimean: Buttsex, buttsex na~ na~ nana~
Rock Candy93249323
2013-06-04 09:49:38
Well, seeing as I just started and we're a two-man team at the moment, it will take QUITE a while before anything can be shown or playable... I will try to force other people to make Zu buttsex while I work on this, hoahoa!