Comment #8564
2013-01-04 15:06:29
Heya apocgroup, may i have some of your time? if you aren't so busy with hacking and stuff, i would be glad if you could read comment and reply if it's possible. There's no cursing in it or anything by the like. One day i was just enjoying my net surfing and found this site to spend some time. There were people that had some common interest with me so it looked fun and all. When i finally decided to openly participate in the website, boom. This sort of event happens. i had bad luck. So, there's just one concern of mine to question. What exactly are you going to change in the website? There's no need for a reply if it's too bothersome, or the information can't be mentioned. After all, i'm just a random someone in the net, voicing(writing in this case) a little complain of not much importance. By the way, my grammar isn't that good but i tried to make it understandable.