Comment #8528
2013-01-03 16:52:34
That my first comment on this site and im verry sad to do this for hacker -_-", but if you want to stop pornsite good luck because they have more than millions on the web and the same amount is created and disapear per day. I don't know if im understood cause of my english level, but I love this site and the stuff he made, I think it's pretty artistic and the backgrounds of the characters is worked. So I beg you to leave this site because you are for freedom and pepople you say so in the name of my freedom I want to see more porn stuff on this site because the style and the stuff of this site is unique and you can't just destroy years of work cause you decide is bad and not appropriate. If your argument is for protect childs you don't do it in the right way cause the first step in the web for a child is with school or parent so this is their responsibilities to prevent and protect child from adult site. And for end this post you can install proxy or parental control for block pornsite from childs, SO IN THE NAME OF MY LIBERTY TO WATCH PORN ON WEB I WANT YOU TO LEAVE PLEASE !