Comment #7961
Adult Animations
842012-10-07 14:58:52
Rock Candy you're amazing. Don't let haters bring you down. While the flash may not be perfect it is pretty damn good and as for content you know there are plenty of us who like your style. In answer to this post, in my mind criticism requires tact to be effective. I see a lot of judgment from LET DOWN on what is "sexy" but really it is for each individual to determine that and there are much better ways to say what you don't like about something than straight up bashing it and calling it disgusting. If you don't like free, amazing flashes then there are plenty of other places you can get your jollies off but don't just tell the creator what you hate because of personal preferences. I realize you originally only said a short comment and the internet is a place if nothing else to give your opinions but I hope that in the future you consider what you say before saying it, whether it be eloquently or not, and also how this effects us getting more amazing flashes. Sorry for the rant but this is how "I" feel ;). Great job again Rockcandy, can't wait for the next one!
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