Comment #7959
A very pleased fan
2012-10-07 08:53:11
Great job dude, was worth it i guess. I will be fapping to this many more times in the future. Also just wanted to make a suggestion But i dont know if'll you'll be interested. You think one day If i do something for you, you'll do something for me? I can use my skills to help promote your work a bit, Was wondering if you could make a very small looping flash of Lucchini Francesca. If you're interested tell me and I'll get to work and we'll see what happens. You can email me at [email protected] Serious proposal though dude. I look forward to hearing from you. Again, grats on finally finishing Oniihole. Was definitely worth the wait. I look forward to see what you will make in the future
Rock Candy80207959
2012-10-15 03:06:39
It really depends on what it is I get in return. I do not know the character you're asking for, so I kinda need more details to decide.