Comment #7921
Adult Animations
2012-10-04 11:43:21
HOLY FREAKING BALLS Yeah, some parts were mediocre, but I don't think any element ever dropped below 7/10 for me. I went into it half-expecting a troll, got half trolled, then figured it out. The inflation was spot-on and insanely awesome, and having the through-and-through was a nice touch. Her animations might have been a little bit stiff (Minus the belly: dat fapingly awesome overlapping action). But Rock, I have to say, I have been around the web a /lot/. I have probably seen every hentai and porn flash in existance. Zone's entire archive is on my computer. If you show me an obscure Japanese doujin hentai game, there is literally an 88% chance I've seen it. And in all that hentai experience, I have to tell you: Those are the /greatest/ animated tentacles and fluids I have ever seen. Bar-none. I graduated from a two-year long animation program, and you hit just about every subtlety and nuance that the masters teach. You're a freaking inspiration, man! I only wish I could collaborate with yah. Kudos to you! Well worth the wait. I imagine you want a break after working on it for so long, but man, keep that quality up. The more you do it, the faster you'll get. Then you'll have time to improve other parts to a similarly insanely awesome level. =D I look forward to your next one.
Rock Candy79297921
Adult Animations
2012-10-04 15:42:44
Thank you, I'm glad you think so. I've never had an animation class, how was that like?
Adult Animations
2012-10-05 00:45:09
Long, tedious, head-ache and hand-cramp inducing... yet ultimately a thoroughly wonderful experience. To be specific, I had four traditional animation classes and a single flash animation course over roughly three semsters. It was especially fun considering that I could barely draw stick figures going into the program. One thing is for sure; I learned to appreciate just how much effort goes into animating. The one for flash gave me far less headaches, but damn. Comps are a tedium all of their own. Probably the only thing stopping me from making flashes is how long it takes to draw in all of the base work. You'd think inbetweening is boring by comparison, but I actually prefer it. At any rate, I definitely recommend taking a basic traditional animation class or two. Or at the very least, try to get your hands on a copy of The Animator's Survival Kit by Richard Williams. Your animations will have a massive quality jump - and considering you're already high-tier, the result would be insanely awesome.