Comment #7917
2012-10-04 05:19:37
well, i'll have to agree with some comments and disagree with others. I think the quality of the animation and the "graphics" in general are amazing. I think i could even say that the animation is better than zone flashes. So, i disagree with the guys that say "this took you half a year?" because it would take ME a decade !!! Now, what's bad is the limited stuff you can do. You can't choose anything and there's apparently nothing hidden (like in other games). I also prefer it when it's humans instead of tentacles but that's just me. I think that's all? I mean, that's the only thing that's bad about it. It's 6 things you can do, which is a lot, but most of these 6 are the "same" and are chosen in a "line". At the very end there's really only 2 things you can do. I would seriously consider paying you if you can make something longer and more inspired using that talent of yours. With THIS animation and the inspiration of zu triple or the easter eggs (the boob fucking thingie) you can make something a-ma-zing