Comment #7817
Rock Candy78177816
2012-09-28 02:45:18

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Parent comment: 7816

In the beginning I was afraid of posting here, and I still am, sometimes. It depends on the comment... But it is more routine now, as I have to update every sunday. It takes lots of effort to post elsewhere, even if anonymous. As for the psychiatrist, they just asked me some questions about things to find out if I was depressed or psychotic or such things. I wasn't. I also don't tell such things unless asked, and no one has asked so far.
2012-09-28 02:57:46
Well I am glad that the system is working for you! Just so you know, I enjoy talking to you all the way over in Sweden. And you really shouldn't worry about posting stuff online (unless it is illegal), especially on your own site! I once heard that less than 10% of talk actually leads to action. It is probably even less for text.
Rock Candy78197818
2012-09-28 03:03:36
It's not so easy to just do that, it is a lot more complicated. I must go to a doctor and stuff before I can retired, so we'll see how that goes. Dad's putting his nose into stuff so I have to go see a curator next week for some reason.
2012-09-28 03:13:07
Everything is always more complicated than it first seems. Good luck with the curator and don't forget to walk tall.