Comment #7811
AE and IN
2012-09-27 05:09:09

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Parent comment: 7810

I've never eat drugs in my life except chocolate (i'm not fat :P). I think I spend most of the time alone in my apartment in front of my PC. I play games, I listen to music and I make introductions for videos, etc.. Nothing too difficult. I sleep little and rarely leave my apartment. Somehow, I like to have Asperger's, because then I do not have to work, nor be part of the "system", nor live with stupid people. Do you want a better example of how to live? EoSDPCBINPoFVStBMoFSAUFODSGFW10D
Rock Candy78127811
2012-09-27 05:19:10
The only difference is that I love to sleep, otherwise it sounds pretty much the same. I agree with ya, no work, no "system" and no stupid people. Perfect.
AE and IN
2012-09-27 07:23:10
Did you notice my reference to Touhou? Please answer honestly because I'm testing you. ;-)
Rock Candy78147813
2012-09-27 07:36:26
I did, you wrote the short names for the Touhou titles in one go. I don't get why people write 10D when TD is quicker to write though.