Comment #7807
another one
2012-09-26 14:46:12
Rock Candy, you seem like a fairly communicative guy while here on your homepage. And still you say you don't take meds for your aspergers and even want early retirement because you think it doesn't work out. I think other people also have bad medical conditions, but many try whatever they can and take meds or have surgeries if necessary. You say you have aspergers and thats it, is it really that bad that you have to miss so many things in life??? Also, thanks for the entertaining contents on this page, and please make onihole happen before 2013!
Rock Candy78087807
2012-09-26 14:50:37
The only thing I miss out on is having to do some shitty job to get by with money. I'll gladly skip that. I don't need much else than my computer and drawnig material. Well right now, Onihole lies in the hands of Besped. It should not be too far away.