Comment #7785
2012-09-23 23:12:24
As of Monday, I should be leaving for boot camp. I'm joining the Air Force and if I pass this damn physical I will be gone for 5 months. Dude, you have made some incredible work despite the long wait and it sucks a little bit that Oni isn't done yet, but eh, at least you have kept up with the updates! I only post so much personal shet because it seemed relevant to the thought that I, a fairly loyal fan, am saying that the wait has been worth it for some quality art work (perverted or otherwise), even when I'm leaving for months without checking soon. Also, it stinks that Project X couldn't update once more before I leave, but those dolphin rape animations better be good when I get back! XD Good luck to everyone for the next couple months!
Rock Candy77887785
2012-09-24 00:23:11
I'm sorry I couldn't be there for your last fap. Maybe when you come back, I'll have other things finished too. Project X will probably be updated by then too.