Comment #7619
2012-08-25 01:45:58
It'll be worth it, you just have to be patient, you see things are moving slow, ask the dev what's up, they tell you what's up, sit down shut the hell up and wait, I'm tired of having to come here and see that Rock is about to blow his fucking top because some random 5 year old doesn't know how to shut up and be patient... The man's doin his best to get the fucking game done dammit, shut up about it already!! I don't need to ask him how far he is on saying "Ya know what, fuck it, screw you bastards, oni-hole is dropped", I can read it from what expression his words are saying, now to all of you impatient fucks out there... SHUT THE FUCK UP AND DEAL WITH IT!! THERE WILL ALWAYS BE DELAYS TO GOOD THINGS, SO STOP CRYIN OVER NOTHING LIKE LITTLE BITCHES AND JUST WAIT UNTIL THE FUCKING GAME IS FINISHED!!!... Jesus... This' why so many good artists are starting to say fuck it... So many impatient assholes don't know how to fucking wait...