Comment #7595
2012-08-20 01:36:55
Actual Mittsies here. It was never officially decided I would do the coding for Onihole, we both just assumed that I would do it -- so don't think of it as a collaboration, think of it as me being a nice guy and helping out on my own accord. If the coding was simple enough for a monkey to do it -- he would have already gotten someone else by now to finish it. Regardless I've already done the majority of the difficult stuff for the game, so now it's mostly just tedious stuff that takes a lot of time to do. Just keep in mind that I have countless of my own commissions and flash projects to work on, as well as a part-time job, so it's not like I'm being lazy. Also if my computer could actually handle the Onihole project, it'd be done 2 weeks ago. It takes like 10 minutes to save (Even on RC's new computer) for fuck's sake. Not trying to make excuses, just trying to let you guys know that there's more to it than just slacking off. Anyways, sorry this is taking longer than expected. It'll be done sooner than you can say every word in the Korean dictionary backwards!
2012-08-20 03:26:19
Well, bud just take your time no need to rush. Sensible people on this site understand the workings behind flash making. I'm a coder, but not for flashes, but for technical engineering, I understand that scripting is tiring work. So, do what needs to be done when you have the time to do it.
2012-08-20 06:04:24
Sorry about a while back I thought the troll was you. :l I did not know you had a job too.. well now I know what you are going through. I work full-time and have been working on this Zoo comic since forever in the forums. The last past weeks have been overtime back to back and once I do get free time I was too tired to do anything. Just last week though my overtime stopped for a while. Now I'm finally working on it again. Hope things get easier for you guys soon. Sorry again
Candy's fan
2012-08-24 07:35:47
At least you are giving us GOOD excuses whiich we can all accept. Also nice to see you're responding to the fans in a possitive way rather than how Rockcandy was just telling everyone to fuck off and deal with it. Hope Oniihole is done soon.
Rock Candy76177616
2012-08-24 07:42:59
I've stated the reasons of Onihole's delay many times in a positive manner. But some people doesn't seem to acknowledge that, and they whine and whine. You'd tell them to fuck off too, sooner or later.
Candy's fan
2012-08-24 17:08:44
Luckily Im not in the possition to decide that. Also i saw your update on my phone and tried to respond but my phone was a bitch. Wanted to say Im (i guess) glad? to see that even you want Oniihole done that bad. Now i can see you really want it finished as well as the rest of us. Just hoping It'll be worth it in the end.
2012-08-26 01:48:04
Frankly, the fact that so many people are upset about the delays should really be seen as a compliment. Not that these are particularly polite compliments...