Comment #7526
2012-08-13 02:48:12
Well, one thing is that people are incredibly impatient and/or immature, but then ost of them don't even know how to write/spell a proper complaint? Sigh... Well Rock, I think this may be my third or so comment on this site (you know, 'cause we're men, so the mutual respect is implied and don't have to be said) but I felt like I really had to say something to the whiners: If it bothers you that much, if you get so offended, THEN MAKE SOMETHING BETTER YOURSELF. Or shut up and just enjoy the fact that a talented guy (with the same anal-fetish as me, yay!) is willing to take his time in making quality flashes for us. Do as I do. Check the update every monday or so. If no Onihole, think: "Wel, maybe next time." AND MOVE ON WITH YOUR LIFE! It's not the end of the world! Sheesh.
2012-08-13 04:15:01
Firstly, if you're going to criticize others for their ability to write and spell, make sure you don't fuck it up. It's 'most not ost' and 'well not wel'. Secondly, how does it feel to be so far up RC's ass? I mean really, I like his stuff as much as the next guy but you don't have to kiss quite as much ass as you are. RC knows it has taken a long time, people have the right to be annoyed, shit fucks up and flashes take forever to make. Everyone needs to get over it.
2012-08-13 05:43:29
I do agree with a part of your post. As soon as I noticed the missing 'l' nd such, I cursed that there was no edit button. Alas, such is life. Hmm, for the other thing: I really do not know RC or even talk/write him in any way, shape, fashion or form. That I happen to agree with his way of doing things have nothing to do with me being stuck up his ass. But the main thing I don't get with you pos, why complain about a guy who stops telling people to complain? Really, the depths of stupidity in that is unfathomable to me.
2012-08-13 05:44:36
And yes, I missed an 'a' in and. Wht can I say, my fingers slip.