Comment #7517
That dude
2012-08-13 00:23:04
DM Dokuro, you make good points. However, do you deny that a level of prefessionalism is being missed here? I mean, really, laughing at us about the update. There's really no need for that. It's been quite a long time since Rock Candy has released a honest flash. Sure there was that gay cat shadow thing, but that quality was so low that I really didn't count it. If Rock Candy were to at least post a screen shot o0f the progress he's made, something to affirm the wait we, his fans, have been going through, then I don't think there would be any problems at all. But the way he goes about these updates is unfortunately the wrong way. When people wait for things for a long time, they get impatient. That impatience can easily turn to annoyance. Depending on what he posts, like a laugh that could be construde as a direct taunt to his fans, it can leap emotions straight to anger. Which is what I am seeing here. It's fine if Rock Candy doesn't care about what people think. But don't TAUNT your very fanbase. That is not something an artist should do. Especially after they have been patiently waiting for so long. -A still loyal fan to RC