Comment #7505
not an ounce of samefaggotry
2012-08-12 19:16:23
Yea ive got to agree with the other 2 here. Not only is your treatment to the few fans you have left terrible but i think the last remotely fappable thing youve made was ran ran rump or the flash with zoo and the horse. Thats why i was a fan. Now ive been lurking and waiting checkingnthis site every week fornthe past year and a half. Now im not saying you owe us anything cause blah blah blah its free inb4 people rage bout that. But seriously kid idk hownyou do things in europe but grow the fuck up and if you make a promise to people and you know that theyre disappointednbecause week after week youve failed to keep that promise then you laugh at them? Youre never gonna make it in the real world. This is a former Rock Candy fan signing off for the last time. Nyurp