Comment #7493
Rock Candy74937492
2012-08-11 14:44:01

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Parent comment: 7492

The "finalizing" takes forever because the Onihole project file crashes Mittsies' flash. The only way he can code it is by screensharing, and we're not always availible at the same time, so it takes a lot of time to even get to it.
Stone Treat
2012-08-12 21:54:35
I was actually referring to Adobe's installs with the "Finalizing" (shit takes longer than the install itself). But anyway, when suggesting the progress bar I at least thought it will show us how more "steps" are needed to be done, and let us run our own estimations instead of you needlessly explaining yourself to little impatient kids all the time.
Rock Candy75257514
2012-08-13 01:46:29
oh. Well there are only one step left; coding. And only Mittsies can do that. It's just that he cannot at all times, hence the wait.